50 citations
related to Epigenetics
50 citations
related to Epigenetics as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Essay Review
Daniel S. Brooks
Conceptual Heterogeneity and the Legacy of Organicism: Thoughts on the Life Organic.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences.
Antonine Nicoglou; Charles T. Wolfe
Introduction: Sketches of a Conceptual History of Epigenesis.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
(p. 64).
Ben Martynoga
Molecular Tinkering: The Edinburgh Scientists Who Changed the Face of Modern Biology.
Antonine Nicoglou
Waddington’s Epigenetics or the Pictorial Meetings of Development and Genetics.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
(p. 61).
Essay Review
Tatjana Buklijas
Life Reconsidered.
Science and Education.
Jan Baedke
Above the Gene, Beyond Biology: Toward a Philosophy of Epigenetics.
Russell Bonduriansky; Troy Day
Extended Heredity: A New Understanding of Inheritance and Evolution.
Antonine Nicoglou; Francesca Merlin
Epigenetics: A way to bridge the gap between biological fields.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(pp. 73-82).
Erik L. Peterson
The Life Organic: The Theoretical Biology Club and the Roots of Epigenetics.
Susan Merrill Squier
Epigenetic Landscapes: Drawings as Metaphor.
Luca Chiapperino; Francesco Panese
La metafora assoluta della “plasticità” tra i secoli XIX e XX: un’indagine sulle tracce del biosociale in epigenetica.
Mefisto: Rivista di medicina, filosofia, storia
(pp. 27-52).
Ute Deichmann
Why epigenetics is not a vindication of Lamarckism – and why that matters.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(pp. 80-82).
Loren R. Graham
Lysenko's Ghost: Epigenetics and Russia.
Pietro Giuffrida; Francesca Faillaci; Lucia Sideli
Epigenesis as Key Concept for Understanding Functional and Disfunctional Reactions of Human Beings to Their Environment.
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
(pp. 825-844).
Maurizio Meloni
Political Biology: Science and Social Values in Human Heredity from Eugenics to Epigenetics.
Karola Stotz; Paul Griffiths
Epigenetics: Ambiguities and Implications.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
(p. 22).
Ludovica Lorusso; Fabio Bacchini
A reconsideration of the role of self-identified races in epidemiology and biomedical research.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(pp. 56-64).
Hallam Stevens; Sarah S. Richardson
Postgenomics: Perspectives on Biology after the Genome.
Karola Stotz; Paul Griffiths
A Niche for the Genome.
Biology and Philosophy
(pp. 143-157).
Ute Deichmann
Chromatin: Its history, current research, and the seminal researchers and their philosophy.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 143-164).
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