22 citations
related to Electrons
22 citations
related to Electrons as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Jan Potters
Hazy Spots on Photographic Plates: On the Measurement of the Velocity-Dependency of the Electron’s Mass.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 1-34).
Aleksander Kessenikh
Spin Temperature and Dynamic Nuclear Polarization. From the History of Researches (1953-1983).
Substantia: An International Journal of the History of Chemistry
(pp. 19-34).
Paul J. Nahin
Hot Molecules, Cold Electrons: From the Mathematics of Heat to the Development of the Trans-Atlantic Telegraph Cable.
David M. Rogers
Range separation: the divide between local structures and field theories.
Substantia: An International Journal of the History of Chemistry
(pp. 43-62).
Kenji Ito
“Electron Theory” and the Emergence of Atomic Physics in Japan.
Science in Context
(pp. 293-320).
Aaron Sidney Wright
A Beautiful Sea: P. A. M. Dirac's Epistemology and Ontology of the Vacuum.
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
(pp. 225-256).
Necessity and Contingency in the Discovery of Electron Diffraction.
In: Science as It Could Have Been: Discussing the Contingency/Inevitability Problem
(pp. 202-220).
Mari Yamaguchi
The Pursuit of Accurate Measurements: Gas Electron Diffraction from the 1930s to the 1960s.
In: Transformation of Chemistry from the 1920s to the 1960s
(pp. 122-128).
Marco Di Mauro; Salvatore Esposito
Photon-electron scattering: some contributions by Ettore Majorana.
In: Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell’Astronomia: Atti del XXXV Convegno annuale / Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference
(pp. 237-244).
Peter Kasten
The Search for Electron Rings Inside Atoms Led to the Debye-Scherrer Method.
Annalen der Physik
(pp. 761-764).
José Antonio Chamizo
The Role of Instruments in Three Chemical Revolutions.
Science and Education
(pp. 955-982).
Needham, Paul
The Source of Chemical Bonding.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(p. 1).
Cheung, Derek T.; Brach, Eric
Conquering the Electron: The Geniuses, Visionaries, Egomaniacs, and Scoundrels Who Built Our Electronic Age.
Fontes, Christopher J.; Bostock, Christopher J.; Bartschat, Klaus
Annotation of Hans Bethe's Paper, Zeitschrift für Physik 76, 293 (1932), “Braking Formula for Electrons of Relativistic Speed”.
European Physical Journal H
(pp. 517-536).
Gearhart, Clayton A.
The Franck-Hertz Experiments, 1911--1914 Experimentalists in Search of a Theory.
Physics in Perspective
(pp. 293-343).
Nalewajski, Roman
Entropic Concepts in Electronic Structure Theory.
Foundations of Chemistry
(p. 27).
Fontes, Christopher J.; Bostock, Christopher J.; Bartschat, Klaus
Annotation of Hans Bethe's paper, Zeitschrift för Physik 76, 293 (1932), “Braking Formula for Electrons of Relativistic Speed”.
European Physical Journal H
(p. 517).
Essay Review
Simões, Ana
Scientific Biographies Revisited: Thomsons' Electrons and Bohr's Quantum Atoms.
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry.
Franklin, Allan
Millikan's Measurement of Plank's Constant.
European Physical Journal H
(p. 573).
Navarro, Jaume
A History of the Electron: J. J. and G. P. Thomson.
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