Concept ID: CBA000120546

Social justice

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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The Politics of Rationality in Early Neoliberalism: Max Weber, Ludwig von Mises, and the Socialist Calculation Debate. Journal of the History of Ideas (pp. 269-291). (/isis/citation/CBB651468837/) unapi

Book Kasia Paprocki (2021)
Threatening Dystopias: The Global Politics of Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh. (/isis/citation/CBB277015689/) unapi

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Red Scare: The State's Indigenous Terrorist. (/isis/citation/CBB014767308/) unapi

Book Sarah Schulman (2021)
Let the Record Show: A Political History of ACT UP New York, 1987-1993. (/isis/citation/CBB543543030/) unapi

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Book Dylan Mulvin (2021)
Proxies: The Cultural Work of Standing In. (/isis/citation/CBB786023816/) unapi

Book Sasha Mullally; David Wright (2020)
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Book John Bellamy Foster (2020)
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Article Marika Plater (2020)
Climates of Inequality: Stories of Environmental Justice. Journal of American History (pp. 137-140). (/isis/citation/CBB031858836/) unapi

Article Anna Froese; Natalie Mevissen (2020)
Failure through Success: Co-construction Processes of Imaginaries (of Participation) and Group Development. Science, Technology, and Human Values (pp. 455-487). (/isis/citation/CBB887621152/) unapi

Article Christine Perakslis (March 2020)
Exposing Technowashing: To Mitigate Technosocial Inequalities. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine (p. 88). (/isis/citation/CBB671592449/) unapi

Book Shawn Michelle Smith (2020)
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Article Michael Penkler; Kay Felder; Ulrike Felt (2020)
Challenging Diversity: Steering Effects of Buzzwords in Projectified Health Care. Science, Technology, and Human Values (pp. 138-163). (/isis/citation/CBB065876655/) unapi

Article Jennifer Karns Alexander (2020)
An engineering career as industrial mission: Jack Keiser in post-war Britain. History and Technology (pp. 263-291). (/isis/citation/CBB739785450/) unapi

Book Ximo Guillem-Llobat; Agustí Nieto-Galan (2020)
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Book Charlton D. McIlwain (2020)
Black Software: The internet and racial justice, from the AfroNet to Black Lives Matter. (/isis/citation/CBB252175354/) unapi

Thesis Osibodu, Oyemolade Omoyosola (2020)
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Book Hans Radder (2019)
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