Concept ID: CBA000120394


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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article B. Cameron Reed (2024)
Revisiting the Frisch–Peierls Memorandum. European Physical Journal H (p. 6). (/isis/citation/CBB465694312/) unapi

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Bohr. (/isis/citation/CBB229249684/) unapi

Book Linda C. Morice (2022)
Nuked: Echoes of the Hiroshima Bomb in St. Louis. (/isis/citation/CBB153919447/) unapi

Book Lianne C. Leddy (2022)
Serpent River Resurgence: Confronting Uranium Mining at Elliot Lake. (/isis/citation/CBB377861662/) unapi

Article Matthew Adamson (2021)
Nuclear reach: Uranium prospection and the global ambitions of the French nuclear programme, 1945–65. Cold War History (pp. 319-336). (/isis/citation/CBB103570113/) unapi

Article Anna Konieczna (2021)
Nuclear twins: French-South African strategic cooperation (1964–79). Cold War History (pp. 283-300). (/isis/citation/CBB844307486/) unapi

Article Kenji Ito (2021)
Three tons of uranium from the International Atomic Energy Agency: Diplomacy over nuclear fuel for the Japan Research Reactor-3 at the Board of Governors’ meetings, 1958–1959. History and Technology (pp. 67-89). (/isis/citation/CBB419739482/) unapi

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The early stages of uranium geology in post-WWII Italy. Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society (pp. 137-149). (/isis/citation/CBB523766057/) unapi

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Article Andrea Candela (2017)
Sorting Out Nuclear Concerns: The Australian Uranium Debate From Jervis Bay to Ringwood's Synroc. Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society (pp. 116-141). (/isis/citation/CBB414955330/) unapi

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Article Matthew Adamson (2016)
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Article Candela, Andrea (2016)
La nascita della geologia nucleare in Italia.. Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza. (/isis/citation/CBB461916404/) unapi

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Chapter Klein, Ursula (2014)
Klaproth's Discovery of Uranium. In: Objects of Chemical Inquiry. (/isis/citation/CBB001510086/) unapi


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