Geographic Term ID: CBA000120352

Danube river

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Geographic entity type Waterway


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Chapter Yulian Konstantinov (2022)
Humans, Predators, and State Projects: A Look at the Lower Danube, Northwest Bulgaria. In: A New Ecological Order: Development and the Transformation of Nature in Eastern Europe (pp. 240-258). (/isis/citation/CBB730928370/) unapi

Chapter Stefan Dorondel; Stelu Serban (2022)
The Economy of a Leashed River: State, Experts, and Politics along the Lower Danube, 1900–1940. In: A New Ecological Order: Development and the Transformation of Nature in Eastern Europe (pp. 109-129). (/isis/citation/CBB086433647/) unapi

Article Constantin Ardeleanu (August 2020)
“Steamboat Sociality” along the Danube and the Black Sea (mid-1830s–mid-1850s). The Journal of Transport History (pp. 208-228). (/isis/citation/CBB304750101/) unapi

Article Luminita Gatejel (October 2018)
Building a Better Passage to the Sea: Engineering and River Management at the Mouth of the Danube, 1829–61. Technology and Culture (pp. 925-953). (/isis/citation/CBB779229466/) unapi

Book Thomas Sterba (2018)
Die Süßwasserfische des Karl von Meidinger: Mit naturhistorischen Illustrationen aus vier Jahrhunderten. (/isis/citation/CBB037489435/) unapi

Article Hans Handig (2017)
Der Wiener Winterhafen als militärischer See-Flughafen 1941 bis 1945. ÖFH-Nachrichten (pp. 4-8). (/isis/citation/CBB731714788/) unapi

Article Tanya Richardson (2016)
Objecting (to) Infrastructure: Ecopolitics at the Ukrainian Ends of the Danube. Science as Culture (pp. 69-95). (/isis/citation/CBB690485778/) unapi

Article Rohr, Christian (2013)
Floods of the Upper Danube River and Its Tributaries and Their Impact on Urban Economies (c. 1350--1600): The Examples of the Towns of Krems/Stein and Wels (Austria). Environment and History (pp. 133-148). (/isis/citation/CBB001421390/) unapi

Book Wohl, Ellen (2010)
A World of Rivers: Environmental Change on Ten of the World's Greatest Rivers. (/isis/citation/CBB001201858/) unapi

Article Rohr, Christian (2005)
The Danube Floods and their Human Response and Perception (14th to 17th C). History of Meteorology (p. 71). (/isis/citation/CBB000931776/) unapi

Book Giacardi, Livia; Roero, Clara Silvia (1987)
L'origine della numerazione romana: Un'ipotesi di Giuseppe Nicasi sul modo di contare dei contadini di Morra. Con una nota di M. Trabalza, Raffaella. (/isis/citation/CBB000046684/) unapi


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