46 citations
related to Housing
46 citations
related to Housing as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Rebecca Wright
68 Degrees: New York City’s Residential Heat and Hot Water Code as an Invisible Energy Policy.
Environmental History
(pp. 711-737).
Léa Delmaire
Locating the Health Hazard, Surveilling the Gecekondu: The Tuberculosis-Control Pilot Area of Zeytinburnu, Istanbul (1961–1963).
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
(pp. 153-186).
V. Camille Westmont
Social Engineering at the Company Home Hearth: Coal Company Use of Architecture to Control Domestic Spaces in the Pennsylvania Anthracite Region, 1866–1889.
Historical Archaeology
(pp. 782-803).
John Schofield
Buildings in the City of London after the Great Fire of 1666.
International Journal of Historical Archaeology
(pp. 401-433).
Amani C. Morrison
Quotidian Expenses: Residential Repertoires and Domestic Pedagogies in Great Migration Chicago’s Kitchenettes.
American Quarterly
(pp. 73-94).
Marlene Wagner; Martina Barker-Ciganikova; Kirsten Rüther
Concrete Does not Cry: Interdisciplinary Reflections on and Beyond Housing.
In: The Politics of Housing in (Post-)Colonial Africa
(pp. 185-216).
Donatien Dibwe dia Mwembu
La problématique de l’habitat dans la ville de Lubumbashi (Elisabethville), province du Katanga, 1910–1960; (The housing problem in the city of Lubumbashi (Elisabethville), province of Katanga (1910-1960)).
In: The Politics of Housing in (Post-)Colonial Africa
(pp. 121-140).
Daniela Waldburger
House, Home, Health and Hygiene – Social Engineering of Workers in Elisabethville/ Lubumbashi (1940s to 1960s) Through the Lens of Language Usage.
In: The Politics of Housing in (Post-)Colonial Africa
(pp. 141-166).
Martina Kopf
At Home with Nairobi’s Working Poor: Reading Meja Mwangi’s Urban Novels.
In: The Politics of Housing in (Post-)Colonial Africa
(pp. 98-120).
Mary Beth Meehan
Seeing Silicon Valley : Life inside a fraying America.
Mariya Petrova; Straeten, Jonas van der
Building, Maintaining and Improving One’s Own House in Soviet Samarkand, 1957–1991.
In: The Persistence of Technology: Histories of Repair, Reuse and Disposal
(pp. 111-138).
Jason Vuic
The swamp peddlers : How lot sellers, land scammers, and retirees built modern Florida and transformed the American dream.
Kirsten Rüther; Martina Barker-ciganikova; Daniela Waldburger; et al.
The Politics of Housing in (Post-)Colonial Africa.
Elisabetta De Minicis; Giancarlo Pastura
Il rupestre e l’acqua nel Medioevo. Religiosità, quotidianità, produttività.
Graham Spinardi; S.J. Cooper-Knock; David Rush
Proximal design in South African informal settlements: Users as designers and the construction of the built environment and its fire risks.
Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society
(pp. 528-550).
Mark Healey
Planning, Politics, and Praxis at Colombia’s Inter-American Housing Lab, 1951–1966.
In: Itineraries of Expertise: Science, Technology, and the Environment in Latin America
(pp. 199-216).
Marco Rudzinski
Der Zechenwohnungsbau des Bochumer Vereins im Ruhrgebiet vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg (Construction of miners' housing by the Bochumer Verein in the Ruhr district before the First World War).
Der Anschnitt: Zeitschrift für Kunst und Kultur im Bergbau
(pp. 45-54).
Benjamin Wiggins
Calculating Race: Racial discrimination in risk assessment.
Thomas C. Hubka
How the working-class home became modern, 1900-1940.
David Morton
Age of Concrete: Housing and the Shape of Aspiration in the Capital of Mozambique.
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