11 citations
related to Rainbow
11 citations
related to Rainbow as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Mark R. Dennis
Weaving the rainbow: Properties of classical light.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
(pp. 1-12).
Roberto Bondì
Le edizioni del De iride di Telesio.
Bruniana & Campanelliana: Ricerche Filosofiche e Materiali Storico-testuali
(pp. 287-302).
Jed Z. Buchwald; Anna Marie Roos; Gideon Manning
Descartes’ Experimental Journey Past the Prism and Through the Invisible World to the Rainbow.
In: Collected Wisdom of the Early Modern Scholar: Essays in Honor of Mordechai Feingold
(pp. 193-227).
Rebekah C. White; Giles E. M. Gasper; Tom C. B. McLeish; et al.
Magnifying Grains of Sand, Seeds, and Blades of Grass: Optical Effects in Robert Grosseteste’s De iride (On the Rainbow) (circa 1228–1230).
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 93-107).
Megan E. Holmberg
Anomalous Apparitions of Light in Colonial America: Visions of Comets, New Stars, the Aurora Borealis, and Rainbows.
Tony Scott
Michael Scot and the Four Rainbows.
Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science
(pp. 204-225).
Cecilia Panti
The Theological Use of Science in Robert Grosseteste and Adam Marsh According to Roger Bacon: The Case Study of the Rainbow.
In: Robert Grosseteste and the Pursuit of Religious and Scientific Learning in the Middle Ages
(pp. 143-163).
Akbari, Marjan
Continuance of the Tradition of Optical Writings in Qasim'Alī Qayinī's Manaẓir wa Marāyā.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 1-13).
Tarabochia Canavero, Alessandra
I colori dell'arcobaleno nel Medioevo (dal IV al XIII secolo).
In: Cosmogonie e cosmologie nel medioevo
(p. 445).
Mihas, Pavlos
Developing Ideas of Refraction, Lenses and Rainbow through the Use of Historical Resources.
Science and Education
(p. 751).
Léonard, Jacques
La méthode numérique en médecine au XIXè siécle en France.
Sciences et Techniques en Perspective
(pp. 66-77).
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