93 citations
related to Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship
93 citations
related to Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Fabio Rossinelli
Migrazioni, imprenditorialità e strategie d'investimento nelle montagne giurassiane del XIX secolo. Due traiettorie divergenti.
Geostorie, Bolletino e Notiziario del Centro Italiano per gli Studi Storico-Geografici
(pp. 105-125).
Vera Keller
The Interlopers: Early Stuart Projects and the Undisciplining of Knowledge.
Elisabetta Merlo; Valeria Pinchera
Configuring Cultural Emerging Industries: A Comparison of the French and Italian Fashion Industries.
Business History Review
(pp. 779-807).
Clémence Pinel
What Counts as the Environment in Epigenetics? Knowledge and Ignorance in the Entrepreneurial University.
Science as Culture
(pp. 311-333).
Melanie Bassett
(June 2022)
Negotiating Mobility: Royal Dockyard Workers as Railway Excursion Agents and Social Entrepreneurs, 1880–1918.
The Journal of Transport History
(pp. 131-151).
Aurélien Ruellet
The Pewterer and the Chymist: Major Erasmus Purling and his Refined Tin.
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
(pp. 118-138).
Doogab Yi
Correcting Life through the Marketplace? Genome Editing and the Commercialization of Academic Research in South Korea.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(pp. 181-205).
Asuka Imaizumi
(April 2022)
Widespread Enthusiasm: Grassroots Participation and Regional Variation in Early Japanese Patenting, 1885–99.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 377-400).
Erik Baker
From planning to entrepreneurship: On the political economy of scientific pursuit.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 27-35).
Daniel Jordan Smith
Every Household Its Own Government: Improvised Infrastructure, Entrepreneurial Citizens, and the State in Nigeria.
Jacob Hellman
Big Tech’s ‘Voracious Appetite,’ or Entrepreneurs Who Dream of Acquisition? Regulation and the Interpenetration of Corporate Scales.
Science as Culture
(pp. 149-161).
Olga Bychkova
Creativity vs Commercialization: Russian Engineers, Their Inspiration and Innovation Process.
Engineering Studies
(pp. 34-55).
Carlos Dávila; Andrea Lluch
Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets: Female Entrepreneurs in Colombia since 1990.
Business History Review
(pp. 373-397).
Aurora Gómez Galvarriato; Gabriela Recio Cavazos
Mexico's Business and Entrepreneurship in the Era of Nationalism.
Business History Review
(pp. 289-324).
Kanyinsola Obayan
Entrepreneurial Hustle and the Rise (and Fall) of Personal Computer Companies in Lagos, Nigeria: 1960–1999.
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
(pp. 6-16).
Suvobrata Sarkar
Let there be Light: Engineering, Entrepreneurship and Electricity in Colonial Bengal, 1880–1945.
Louis Pahlow; Sebastian Teupe
Business Strategies and the Law: Three Types of Entrepreneurial Processes from a Legal History Perspective.
Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte
(pp. 161-189).
Alexander Donges; Felix Selgert
The Social Background of Prussian Inventors and Entrepreneurs during the First Industrial Revolution.
Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte
(pp. 1-41).
Debra J. Lindsay
The limits of imperial influence: John James Audubon in British North America.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 302-318).
Silvia M. Lindtner
Prototype Nation: China and the Contested Promise of Innovation.
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