10 citations
related to Guinea
10 citations
related to Guinea as a subject or category
Country Code GN
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Paul Farmer
Fevers, Feuds, and Diamonds: Ebola and the Ravages of History.
Nicolas Langlitz
Chimpanzee Culture Wars.
David Brydan
Mikomeseng: Leprosy, Legitimacy and Francoist Repression in Spanish Guinea.
Social History of Medicine
(pp. 627-647).
Marion Thomas
Between biomedical and psychological experiments: The unexpected connections between the Pasteur Institutes and the study of animal mind in the second quarter of twentieth-century France.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(pp. 29-40).
Leblan, Vincent
The Impact of West African Trade on the Distribution of Chimpanzee and Elephant Populations (Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, 19th--20th Century).
Human Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Journal
(pp. 455-465).
Havik, Philip Jan
Saúde pública e modernidade tropical: o combate à doença do sono na Guiné Portuguesa, 1945--1974.
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
(pp. 641-666).
Medina-Doménech, Rosa
Scientific Technologies of National Identity as Colonial Legacies: Extracting the Spanish Nation from Equatorial Guinea.
Social Studies of Science
(p. 81).
Massing, Andreas
Mapping the Malagueta Coast: A History of the Lower Guinea Coast, 1460--1510 through Portuguese Maps and Accounts.
History in Africa
(p. 331).
Hayden, Christopher Ellis
Of Medicine and Statecraft: Smallpox and Early Colonial Vaccination in French West Africa (Senegal-Guinea).
Sala Catala, José
Ideologia y ciencia biologica en España entre 1860 y 1881: La difusión de un paradigma.
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