Concept ID: CBA000120088

Rural history

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Earthquakes and the Environmental Transformation of a Floodplain Landscape: The Brahmaputra Valley and the Earthquakes of 1897 and 1950. Environment and History (pp. 51-77). (/isis/citation/CBB957247953/) unapi

Article Reut Harari (2020)
Between trust and violence: Medical encounters under Japanese military occupation during the War in China (1937–1945). Medical History (pp. 494-515). (/isis/citation/CBB562919694/) unapi

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A Doctor for Rural America: The Reforms of Frances Sage Bradley. (/isis/citation/CBB837947269/) unapi

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Article Cherisse Jones-Branch (2019)
“To Raise Standards among the Negroes”: Jeanes Supervising Industrial Teachers in Rural Jim Crow Arkansas, 1909–1950. Agricultural History (pp. 412-436). (/isis/citation/CBB892320932/) unapi

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Book Peter M. Jones (2016)
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