114 citations
related to Women and technology
114 citations
related to Women and technology as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Daphne Spain
How Women Saved the City.
Dufner, D.; Otterson, L.
Integrating technology into the mission of a women's center: creating a women's community with technology.
In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society
(pp. 393-398).
Jane Pirone
Using the World Wide Web for social change:, a case study.
In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society
(pp. 48-53).
Martin, C. D.
Paradigms, pitfalls and the pipeline: gender issues in the information technology workforce.
In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society
(pp. 343-346).
Brennan, J.
Workspace design, ergonomics and gender.
In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society
(pp. 162-170).
Coopersmith, Jonathan C.
The role of the pornography industry in the development of videotape and the Internet.
In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society
(pp. 175-182).
Stepulevage, Linda
A technologist in the making: days in a girl's life.
In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society
(pp. 211-218).
Perez, J.; Castejon, L.; Feijo, C.; et al.
Methodology for the implementation of teleservices centers: multipath model.
In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society
(pp. 108-109).
Maines, Rachel P.
"Vibration is life!": electromechanical vibrators and women consumers, 1899-1930.
In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society
(pp. 184-184).
Stephan, Karl David
Technologizing the home: Mary Pennington and the rise of domestic food refrigeration.
In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society
(pp. 290-294).
Augustine, Dolores L.
The socialist “Silicon ceiling”: East German women in computer science.
In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society
(pp. 347-355).
Degele, Nina
Gender, computers, and holistic knowledge: the case of homeopathy.
In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society
(pp. 153-161).
Stimmel, Carol L.
New technologies and the quest for a balanced life: if women are hitting the glass ceiling now, what will it mean if they become invisible?.
In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society
(pp. 357-362).
Rubio, D.; Cerezo, Eva; Sandra S. Baldassarri; et al.
Women and technology: the Spanish scenery.
In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society
(pp. 105-107).
Center., IEEE History; Committee., IEEE Women in Engineering
Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society.
Reitman, F.; Reitman, J.
Women working at the manufacture of electrical machinery, 1904: film and text.
In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society
(pp. 32-36).
Jepsen, Thomas C.
Women in the Telegraph Office: The Role of Women in Nineteenth Century Technology.
In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society
(pp. 27-31).
Steward, S.
Technology and gender inequality in the defense industry.
In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society
(pp. 135-137).
Colatrella, C.
Representing female-friendly science and technology in fiction and film.
In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society
(pp. 19-26).
Amy Elisa Ross
Every home a laboratory: Arizona farm women, the Extension Service, and rural modernization, 1932-1952.
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