Geographic Term ID: CBA000118446


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Article Martin S. Brook; Susanna Ferrar (2019)
Hartley Travers Ferrar (1879-1932) and his geological legacy in antarctica, Egypt and New Zealand. Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society (pp. 43-58). (/isis/citation/CBB081481552/) unapi

Article Soutschek, Liza; Nickelsen, Kärin (2019)
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Article Philip Stone (2018)
The Scottish National Antarctic Expedition, 1902–1904: Reconstructing the Missing Geological Report. Archives of Natural History (pp. 350-362). (/isis/citation/CBB675506729/) unapi

Thesis Daniella McCahey (2018)
Extreme Environments and the Production of Scientific Knowledge: The History of Science in Antarctica. (/isis/citation/CBB933911142/) unapi

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Engaging and Narrating the Antarctic Ice Sheet: The History of an Earthly Body. Environmental History (pp. 77-100). (/isis/citation/CBB733274126/) unapi

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Aurora and the Otago Museum: the boundary between Antarctic science and seamanship. Polar Record (pp. 192-198). (/isis/citation/CBB670289936/) unapi

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Article Dyson, Peter L.; Cole, David J. (2014)
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