84 citations
related to Automobile industry
84 citations
related to Automobile industry as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Sandberg, Uwe
Abatement of traffic, vehicle, and tire/road noise -- the global perspective.
Noise Control Engineering Journal
(pp. 170-181).
Helper, Susan; Hochfelder, David
“Japanese-style” supplier relations in the early American auto industry, 1895--1920.
In: Beyond the firm: Business groups in international and historical perspective
(pp. 187-214).
Charles K. Hyde
Assembly-Line Architecture: Albert Kahn and the Evolution of the U.S. Auto Factory, 1905-1940.
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
(pp. 5-24).
Hochfelder, David; Helper, Susan
Suppliers and Product Development in the Early American Automobile Industry.
Business and Economic History
(pp. 39-51).
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