15 citations
related to Jet propulsion
15 citations
related to Jet propulsion as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Dietrich Eckardt
Jet Web: CONNECTIONS in the Development History of Turbojet Engines 1920 - 1950.
David P. Billington, Jr.
From Insight to Innovation: Engineering Ideas That Transformed America in the Twentieth Century.
Hermione Giffard
Response to Review of Making Jet Engines in World War II:" What is technical success?.
Technikgeschichte: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technik und Industrie
(pp. 189-194).
Essay Review
Lutz Budrass
Review. “The hun is not always ahead of us in secret weapons”. Some remarks on a new book on the history of the turbojet: Hermione Giffard, Making Jet Engines in World War II.
Technikgeschichte: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technik und Industrie.
Andeas T. Haka
(July 2016)
From the greenhouse into the fighter bomber: How "metal paper" became the world's thermal insulator.
International Journal for the History of Engineering and Technology
(pp. 161-177).
Hermione Giffard
Making Jet Engines in World War II: Britain, Germany, and the United States.
Giffard, Hermione
The Politics of Donating Technological Artifacts: Techno-Nationalism and the Donations of the World's First Jet Engines.
History and Technology
(pp. 61-82).
Davies, R. E. G.
Airlines of the Jet Age: A History.
Sterling Michael Pavelec
The Jet Race and the Second World War.
Colin A. Hempstead
Infrared Missiles, Some Young Scientists and a New Technology.
Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
(pp. 179-215).
Downer, John
When the Chick Hits the Fan: Representativeness and Reproducibility in Technological Tests.
Social Studies of Science
(p. 7).
Hunley, J. D.
The Development of Propulsion Technology for U.S. Space-Launch Vehicles, 1926--1991.
Scranton, Philip
Technology-Led Innovation: The Non-Linearity of US Jet Propulsion Development.
History and Technology
(p. 337).
Cerulus, Frans A.
Daniel Bernoulli and Leonhard Euler on the Jetski.
In: Two Cultures: Essays in Honour of David Speiser
(p. 73).
David Watkins
De Havilland Vampire: The Complete History.
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