67 citations
related to Sugar and sugar industry
67 citations
related to Sugar and sugar industry as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Karen Throsby
Sugar rush: Science, politics and the demonisation of fatness.
Stephen Mullen
The Glasgow Sugar Aristocracy: Scotland and Caribbean Slavery, 1775–1838.
Oscar de la Torre
"An Excellent Hunter": Environmental Creolization and the Paths to Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Amazonia.
Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History.
Thomas D. Rogers
Agriculture's Energy: The Trouble with Ethanol in Brazil's Green Revolution.
Jennifer Eaglin
Sweet Fuel: A Political and Environmental History of Brazilian Ethanol.
Garritt Van Dyk
A Tale of Two Boycotts: Riot, Reform, and Sugar Consumption in Late Eighteenth-Century Britain and France.
Eighteenth-Century Life
(pp. 51-68).
Matthew P. Johnson
'Thirsty Sugar Lands': Environmental Impacts of Dams and Empire in Puerto Rico Since 1898.
Environment and History
(pp. 337-365).
James Doucet-Battle
Sweetness in the Blood: Race, Risk, and Type 2 Diabetes.
Nuala Zahedieh
Eric Williams and William Forbes: copper, colonial markets, and commercial capitalism.
Economic History Review
(pp. 784-808).
Singerman, David
Modern Food as Ranked Food: Who’s Afraid of the Dark Sugar?.
In: Acquired Tastes: Stories about the Origins of Modern Food.
John Robert Gust; Jennifer P. Mathews
Sugarcane and Rum: The Bittersweet History of Labor and Life on the Yucatán Peninsula.
James McHugh
Sīdhu (Śīdhu): The Sugar Cane “Wine” of Ancient and Early Medieval India.
History of Science in South Asia
(pp. 36-56).
Robert M. Rouphail
Cyclonic Ecology: Sugar, Cyclone Science, and the Limits of Empire in Mauritius and the Indian Ocean World, 1870s–1930s.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 48-67).
David M. Pendergast; Elizabeth Graham; Tracie Mayfield
Cane and Consumerism: Nineteenth-Century Sugar Growing at Lamanai, Belize.
In: Technology and tradition in Mesoamerica after the Spanish invasion: archaeological perspectives.
David T. Palmer
Industrial Archaeology on the Bayou Teche: Archaeological exploration of the Lutzenberger Iron Foundry, New Iberia, Louisiana.
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology.
Neil Oatsvall; Vaughn Scribner
“The Devil Was in the Englishman that He Makes Everything Work”: Implementing the Concept of “Work” to Reevaluate Sugar Production and Consumption in the Early Modern British Atlantic World.
Agricultural History
(pp. 461-490).
David Singerman
Sugar Machines and the Fragile Infrastructure of Commodities in the Nineteenth Century.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 63-84).
Shuntaro Tsuru
(March 2018)
Embedding Technologies into the Farming Economy: Extension Work of Japanese Sugar Companies in Colonial Taiwan.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(pp. 3-32).
G. Roger Knight
Sugar, Steam and Steel: The Industrial Project in Colonial Java, 1830-1885.
Molina, Luis E.
Las cosas del trapiche: máquinas, utensilios, aparatos y herramientas de haciendas azucareras de la provincia de Caracas (siglo XVIII).
Llull: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas
(pp. 67-94).
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