Concept ID: CBA000118002


Show 83 citations related to Weather
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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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“Weather, People, Ship”: The Environment’s Impact on Cook’s First Voyage into the Pacific. Terrae Incognitae (pp. 219-250). (/isis/citation/CBB536153501/) unapi

Article G. Wesley Lockwood; William Sheehan (2023)
The Early Years of the Solar Variations Project at Lowell Observatory: Birth Pangs of a Decades-Long Research Endeavor. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage (pp. 563-584). (/isis/citation/CBB154493444/) unapi

Book Stephanie Sodero (2022)
Under the Weather: Reimagining Mobility in the Climate Crisis. (/isis/citation/CBB031511810/) unapi

Article Simon Naylor; Neil Macdonald; James P. Bowen; et al. (2022)
Extreme weather, school logbooks and social vulnerability: The Outer Hebrides, Scotland, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Journal of Historical Geography (pp. 84-94). (/isis/citation/CBB352493047/) unapi

Article Tayler Meredith (2022)
Summer, Sun and SAD in Early Modern England. Environment and History (pp. 473-490). (/isis/citation/CBB659251976/) unapi

Article Lisa Beaven (2022)
Trees and Disease: The Ecology of the Roman Campagna in the Seventeenth Century. Environment and History (pp. 453-472). (/isis/citation/CBB248387189/) unapi

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'The Sky in Place of The Nile': Climate, Religious Unrest and Scapegoating in Post-Tridentine Apulia. Environment and History (pp. 491-511). (/isis/citation/CBB333777326/) unapi

Article Kara Murphy Schlichting (2022)
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Book Jerry C. Zee (2022)
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Chapter Julia Herzberg (2021)
Climate Ideas and the Cold in Russia. In: The Russian cold: histories of ice, frost, and snow. (/isis/citation/CBB812369107/) unapi

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War of the Whales: Climate Change, Weather and Arctic Conflict in the Early Seventeenth Century. Environment and History (pp. 549-577). (/isis/citation/CBB364878269/) unapi

Book Martin Mahony; Samuel Randalls (2020)
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Book Ken Noe (2020)
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An Illustrated History of Science: From the Development of Agriculture to the Creation of Artificial Intelligence. (/isis/citation/CBB227829955/) unapi

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Ungovernable Winds: The Weather Sciences in South Asia, 1864-1945. (/isis/citation/CBB212580019/) unapi

Thesis Sky Michael Johnston (2019)
Weathering Early Modern Germany: Vernacular Meteorology, Pastoral Theology, and Communal Life in the Long Sixteenth Century. (/isis/citation/CBB106409942/) unapi


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