Concept ID: CBA000117972

Tea and tea industry

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Kin Sum Li (2022)
A Bowl of Good Tea in the Northern Song Dynasty: Using Modern Examples to Understand the Daguan chalun 大觀茶論. East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine. (/isis/citation/CBB521772318/) unapi

Book Robert Hellyer (2021)
Green with Milk and Sugar: When Japan Filled America’s Tea Cups. (/isis/citation/CBB751902936/) unapi

Article Namrata Borkotoky (2021)
Locating 'Coolie' Women's Health in Tea Plantation Environments in Colonial Assam. Environment and History (pp. 211-228). (/isis/citation/CBB875971495/) unapi

Article Christine Folch (2021)
Ceremony, Medicine, Caffeinated Tea: Unearthing the Forgotten Faces of the North American Stimulant Yaupon (Ilex vomitoria). Comparative Studies in Society and History (pp. 464-498). (/isis/citation/CBB450129077/) unapi

Chapter RICHARD COULTON (2021)
Knowing and Growing Tea: China, Britain, and the Formation of a Modern Global Commodity. In: Oriental Networks: Culture, Commerce, and Communication in the Long Eighteenth Century (pp. 34-62). (/isis/citation/CBB737358020/) unapi

Article Sarah Besky (June 2020)
Empire and indigestion: Materializing tannins in the Indian tea industry. Social Studies of Science (pp. 398-417). (/isis/citation/CBB995845297/) unapi

Book Sarah Besky (2020)
Tasting Qualities: The Past and Future of Tea. (/isis/citation/CBB480361893/) unapi

Book Andrew B. Liu (2020)
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Book Arnab Dey (2019)
Tea Environments and Plantation Culture: Imperial Disarray in Eastern India. (/isis/citation/CBB430797716/) unapi

Essay Review Matthew Mauger (2018)
Writing Tea’s Empire. Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology. (/isis/citation/CBB579357935/) unapi

Book Angela McCarthy; T. M. Devine (2017)
Tea and Empire: James Taylor in Victorian Ceylon. (/isis/citation/CBB721793137/) unapi

Book Erika Rappaport (2017)
A Thirst for Empire: How Tea Shaped the Modern World. (/isis/citation/CBB999243871/) unapi

Article Sarah Besky (2017)
Tea as Hero Crop? Embodied Algorithms and Industrial Reform in India. Science as Culture (pp. 11-31). (/isis/citation/CBB057784243/) unapi

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The Trouble with Tea: The Politics of Consumption in the Eighteenth- Century Global Economy. (/isis/citation/CBB065545464/) unapi

Book Chris Nierstrasz (2015)
Rivalry for Trade in Tea and Textiles: The English and Dutch East India companies. (/isis/citation/CBB070900488/) unapi

Book Markman Ellis; Richard Coulton; Matthew Mauger (2015)
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Sustaining an Enterprise, Enacting SustainabiliTea. Science, Technology, and Human Values (pp. 819-843). (/isis/citation/CBB001421216/) unapi

Essay Review Trocki, Carl A. (2013)
Writing the History of Drug Commodities. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. (/isis/citation/CBB001500549/) unapi

Article Francks, Penelope (2013)
Simple Pleasures: Food Consumption in Japan and the Global Comparison of Living Standards. Journal of Global History (pp. 95-116). (/isis/citation/CBB001421533/) unapi


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