124 citations
related to Imagination
124 citations
related to Imagination as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Antonello La Vergata
Malattia e morte nella 'Montagna incantata'.
In: Il testo letterario e il sapere scientifico
(pp. 205-226).
Claudio Milanesi
Storie di morte apparente: dai romanzi alessandrini all' 'Encyclopédie' passando dal 'Decameron'.
In: Il testo letterario e il sapere scientifico
(pp. 191-204).
Lauretis, Teresa De; Huyssen, Andreas; Woodward, Kathleen M.
The technological imagination: Theories and fictions.
Chapter Ingrid Alexander-Skipnes 9. Mathematical Imagination in Raphael’s School of Athens In: Visual Culture and Mathematics in the Early Modern Period (pp. 150-176). (/isis/citation/CBB873781420/)
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