Concept ID: CBA000117950


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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Christoph Ernst; Jens Schröter (2021)
Die Zukunft vorstellen – Technologie-Demonstrationen in der Geschichte digitaler Medien. (Imagining the Future - Technology Demonstrations in Digital Media History). Technikgeschichte: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technik und Industrie (pp. 79-106). (/isis/citation/CBB076196101/) unapi

Book Christos Lynteris (2021)
Plague Image and Imagination from Medieval to Modern Times. (/isis/citation/CBB412673555/) unapi

Book Jimena Canales (2020)
Bedeviled: A Shadow History of Demons in Science. (/isis/citation/CBB600779827/) unapi

Book Karen ní Mheallaigh (2020)
The Moon in the Greek and Roman Imagination: Myth, Literature, Science and Philosophy. (/isis/citation/CBB051021953/) unapi

Article Jemma Lorenat (2020)
Drawing on the imagination: The limits of illustrated figures in nineteenth-century geometry. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (pp. 75-87). (/isis/citation/CBB280064711/) unapi

Book Stephen Cave; Kanta Dihal; Sarah Dillon (2020)
AI Narratives: A History of Imaginative Thinking about Intelligent Machines. (/isis/citation/CBB815179895/) unapi

Article Julian Goodare (2020)
Away with the fairies: the psychopathology of visionary encounters in early modern Scotland. History of Psychiatry (pp. 37-54). (/isis/citation/CBB931900351/) unapi

Article Ashley Shew (March 2020)
Ableism, Technoableism, and Future AI. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine (pp. 40-50). (/isis/citation/CBB740369225/) unapi

Book Milena Ivanova; Steven French (2020)
The Aesthetics of Science: Beauty, Imagination and Understanding. (/isis/citation/CBB662409369/) unapi

Article Tom McLeish (2020)
Taking the discussion onward. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews (pp. 51-70). (/isis/citation/CBB705122554/) unapi

Article Michael S. Reidy (2020)
Darwin's Vertical Thinking: Mountains, Mobility, and the Imagination in 19th-Century Geology. Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology (pp. 631-646). (/isis/citation/CBB897705613/) unapi

Chapter Morteza Gharib; Francis C. Wells (2020)
Anticipating the Future: Leonardo’s Unpublished Anatomical and Mathematical Observations. In: Renaissance Futurities: Science, Art, Invention (pp. 83-99). (/isis/citation/CBB245679851/) unapi

Book Arnon Levy; Peter Godfrey-Smith (2019)
The Scientific Imagination: Philosophical & Psychological Perspectives. (/isis/citation/CBB335423894/) unapi

Article Jooyoung Kim; Taehee Kim; Jinhyoung Lee; et al. (December 2019)
Exploring Humanistic Layers of Urban Travel: Representation, Imagination, and Speculation. Transfers (pp. 99-108). (/isis/citation/CBB283351873/) unapi

Book David Trippett; Benjamin Walton (2019)
Nineteenth-Century Opera and the Scientific Imagination. (/isis/citation/CBB965706511/) unapi

Article Jane Desmond (2019)
Vivacious Remains: An Afterword on Taxidermy's Forms, Fictions, Facticity, and Futures. Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology (pp. 257-266). (/isis/citation/CBB800462821/) unapi

Article Catherine Herfeld (2019)
Imagination Rather Than Observation in Econometrics: Ragnar Frisch’s Hypothetical Experiments as Thought Experiments. HOPOS (pp. 35-74). (/isis/citation/CBB799644626/) unapi

Book Frederik A. Bakker; Delphine Bellis; Carla Rita Palmerino (2019)
Space, Imagination and the Cosmos from Antiquity to the Early Modern Period. (/isis/citation/CBB272577420/) unapi

Article Chihyung Jeon (December 2018)
The Alpha Human versus the Korean: Figuring the Human through Technoscientific Networks. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal (pp. 459-478). (/isis/citation/CBB245781060/) unapi

Book Richard C. Sha (2018)
Imagination and Science in Romanticism. (/isis/citation/CBB250163909/) unapi


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