80 citations
related to Automation
80 citations
related to Automation as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Alessandro Delfanti; Bronwyn Frey
(May 2021)
Humanly Extended Automation or the Future of Work Seen through Amazon Patents.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 655-682).
Jacqueline Léon
Automating Linguistics.
Kira Lussier
(April-June 2021)
From Papers to Programs: Courts, Corporations, Clinics, and the Battle Over Computerized Psychological Testing.
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
(pp. 30-41).
John Zerilli
A Citizen's Guide to Artificial Intelligence.
Ned Rossiter
Logistical Media Theory, the Politics of Time, and the Geopolitics of Automation.
In: Assembly Codes: The Logistics of Media.
Theodora Vardouli; David Theodore
(April-June 2021)
Walking Instead of Working: Space Allocation, Automatic Architecture, and the Abstraction of Hospital Labor.
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
(pp. 6-17).
Joeri Bruyninckx
Somatic Vigilance and Sonic Skills in Experimental Plasma Physics.
Science as Culture
(pp. 450-473).
J. Jesse Ramirez
Against Automation Mythologies: Business Science Fiction and the Ruse of the Robots.
Mark Coeckelbergh
AI Ethics.
Ashley Shew
(March 2020)
Ableism, Technoableism, and Future AI.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 40-50).
Weiqiang Lin
(March 2020)
Aeromobilities in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
(pp. 102-110).
Kristina Milanovic
(March 2020)
Smart Home Security: How Safe is Your Data?.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 26-29).
David Bates
The Political Theology of Entropy: A Katechon for the Cybernetic Age.
History of the Human Sciences
(pp. 109-127).
Essay Review
Edward Jones-Imhotep
Review Essay: The Ghost Factories: Histories of Automata and Artificial Life.
History and Technology.
Paul March-Russell
Machines Like Us? Modernism and the Question of the Robot.
In: AI Narratives: A History of Imaginative Thinking about Intelligent Machines
(pp. 165-186).
Graham Matthews
‘A Push-Button Type of Thinking’: Automation, Cybernetics, and AI in Midcentury British Literature.
In: AI Narratives: A History of Imaginative Thinking about Intelligent Machines
(pp. 237-259).
Sam Hind
On ‘Living in a Box’. Distributed Control and Automation Surprises („Living in a Box“. Verteilte Steuerung und Automatisierungsüberraschungen in Verkehrsflugzeugen).
Technikgeschichte: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technik und Industrie
(pp. 43-68).
Stefan Esselborn
Introduction: Auto-Mobilities. Automation, Safety and Responsibility in the History of Mobility (Einleitung: Auto-Mobilities. Automatisierung, Sicherheit und Verantwortung in der Geschicht e der Mobilität ).
Technikgeschichte: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technik und Industrie
(pp. 3-10).
Martina Heßler
Überflüssigwerden, reparieren und ermächtigen: Facetten eines anthropozentrischen Diskurses um die technische Ersetzung der Menschen (Making superfluous, repairing and empowering: Facets of an Anthropocentric Discourse around the Technical Replacement of Humans).
Blätter für Technikgeschichte
(pp. 13-30).
Laura Leondina Campanozzi; Eugenio Guglielmelli; Eleonora Cella; et al.
(December 2019)
Building Trust in Social Robotics: A Pilot Survey.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 45-54).
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