Concept ID: CBA000117833

Medicine and culture

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Raghavi Ravi Kasthuri; Anu Mary Peter (2021)
Twelve Years of Graphic Medicine: A Conversation with Comic Nurse on the Future of Comics and Medicine. Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology (pp. 97-106). (/isis/citation/CBB235466349/) unapi

Article Aslin Gurunluoglu; Raffi Gurunluoglu (2021)
Socio-cultural aspect and medical perspective of breastfeeding in the Middle Ages. Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza (pp. 31-70). (/isis/citation/CBB210304015/) unapi

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Public baths in Japan. Art and tradition. In: Public Baths in the World: Between Tradition and Contemporaneity (pp. 223-240). (/isis/citation/CBB228962952/) unapi

Chapter Suzanne Akkary (2021)
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Chapter Marco Di Salvo; Emanuela Ferretti (2021)
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Chapter Kudret Altun; Müjgan Bekdaş (2021)
Purity and clarity. In: Public Baths in the World: Between Tradition and Contemporaneity (pp. 63-74). (/isis/citation/CBB808659926/) unapi

Article Magdalena Kozluk (2021)
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Chapter Antoine Dib (2021)
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Chapter Antoine Dib; Mira Minkara (2021)
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Article Alice Mauger (2021)
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Article Laura D. Hirshbein (2021)
Assessing the conduct of juveniles: Diagnosis and delinquency, 1900–2013. Medical History (pp. 347-365). (/isis/citation/CBB605451186/) unapi


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