Concept ID: CBA000117807

Agricultural technology

Show 148 citations related to Agricultural technology
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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Farm Machinery Users, Designers, and Government Policy in Argentina, 1861–1930. Agricultural History (pp. 351-379). (/isis/citation/CBB170608275/) unapi

Article Todd Cleveland (2018)
Feeding the Aversion: Agriculture and Mining Technology on Angola’s Colonial-Era Diamond Mines, 1917–1975. Agricultural History (pp. 328-350). (/isis/citation/CBB147103637/) unapi

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Creeps, Feeders, and Creep Feeders: Artifacts and Animal Husbandry, 1880s–1960s. Agricultural History (pp. 210-226). (/isis/citation/CBB640235636/) unapi

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Article Daniel J. Hicks (2015)
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