24 citations
related to Connecticut (U.S.)
24 citations
related to Connecticut (U.S.) as a subject or category
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J.W. Swanberg
(Spring-Summer 2022)
Low Brakers, Horses and no air.
Railroad History
(pp. 66-75).
Gregg M. Turner
Failure of a route: The New York & Boston "Air" Line Railroad.
Railroad History
(pp. 38-53).
Lawrence B Goodheart
Insane acquittees and insane convicts: the rationalization of policy in nineteenth-century Connecticut.
History of Psychiatry
(pp. 410-426).
Toby A. Appel
’A Woman Can Practice Medicine’: Connecticut Women Physicians, 1865-1920.
Connecticut History Review
(pp. 3-33).
James K. Mattie; Sukumar P. Desai
Samuel Holden Parsons Lee (1772–1863): American Physician, Entrepreneur and Selfless Fighter of the 1798 Yellow Fever Epidemic of New London, Connecticut.
Journal of Medical Biography
(pp. 19-27).
Logan, Alison M. B.; Pickering, Jane
A Museum of Ideas: Evolution Education at the Yale Peabody Museum during the 1920s.
Museum History Journal
(pp. 68-83).
Goodheart, Lawrence B.
From Cure to Custodianship of the Insane Poor in Nineteenth-Century Connecticut.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(p. 106).
Cynthia Roznoy
Connecticut's Tobacco Industry: Harold Barbour, Jack Delano, and the WPA.
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
(pp. 117-134).
Cummings, O.R.
The Shore Line Electric Railway Company.
Maynard, Preston; Noyes, Marjorie B.
Carriages and Clocks, Corsets and Locks: The Rise and Fall of an Industrial City---New Haven, Connecticut.
Goodheart, Lawrence B.
Rethinking Mental Retardation: Education and Eugenics in Connecticut, 1818--1917.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(p. 90).
Skinner, H. Catherine W.; Skinner, Brian J.
Mines, Minerals, Quarries, and Fuels: Connecticut, 1800--1832.
In: Voices of the New Republic: Connecticut Towns 1800--1832: <em>Vol. 2:</em> What We Think
(p. 183).
Cooper, Carolyn C.
Technology in Transition: Connecticut Industries, 1800--1832.
In: Voices of the New Republic: Connecticut Towns 1800--1832: <em>Vol. 2:</em> What We Think
(p. 149).
Appel, Toby A.
Disease and Medicine in Connecticut around 1800.
In: Voices of the New Republic: Connecticut Towns 1800--1832: <em>Vol. 2:</em> What We Think
(p. 95).
Niering, William A.
Connecticut Towns c. 1800---Some Botanical and Ecological Observations.
In: Voices of the New Republic: Connecticut Towns 1800--1832: <em>Vol. 2:</em> What We Think
(p. 221).
Cooke, Kathy J.
Art and Science in Crop and Livestock Improvement: The Connecticut Towns Survey and Agricultural Change around 1800.
In: Voices of the New Republic: Connecticut Towns 1800--1832: <em>Vol. 2:</em> What We Think
(p. 37).
Smith, Harvey R.; Clark, Tim W.
Wild Animals in Connecticut's Changing Landscape.
In: Voices of the New Republic: Connecticut Towns 1800--1832: <em>Vol. 2:</em> What We Think
(p. 197).
Gordon, Robert B.
Travel on Connecticut's Roads, Bridges, and Ferries, 1790--1830.
In: Voices of the New Republic: Connecticut Towns 1800--1832: <em>Vol. 2:</em> What We Think
(p. 171).
Robert B. Gordon
Material Evidence of Ironmaking Techniques.
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
(pp. 69-80).
David H. Shayt
Elephant under Glass: The Piano Key Bleach House of Deep River, Connecticut.
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
(pp. 37-59).
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