40 citations
related to Food preservation
40 citations
related to Food preservation as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Francisco Montiño; Carolyn A. Nadeau
The Art of Cooking, Pie Making, Pastry Making, and Preserving: Arte de cocina, pastelería, vizcochería y conservería.
Paul van Reyk
True to the Land: A History of Food in Australia.
Jonathan Rees
The Chemistry of Fear: Harvey Wiley's Fight for Pure Food.
Paula Schönach
'From Now on We All Demand: Give Us Pure Ice!' - Natural and Artificial Ice in the Service of Food Hygiene in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Helsinki, Finland.
Environment and History
(pp. 521-548).
Rebecca J. H. Woods
The Shape of Meat: Preserving Animal Flesh in Victorian Britain.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 123-141).
Deborah Fitzgerald
World War II and the Quest for Time-Insensitive Foods.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 291-309).
Lucy J. Havard
‘Preserve or perish’: food preservation practices in the early modern kitchen.
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
(pp. 5-33).
Florence auteur Hachez-Leroy
Menaces sur l'alimentation: emballages, colorants et autres contaminants alimentaires, XIXe-XXIe siècles (Threats to food: packaging, colorants and other food contaminants, 19th - 20th centuries).
Valentina Pugliano
Natural History in the Apothecary’s Shop.
In: Worlds of Natural History
(pp. 44-60).
Brigand, Robin; Weller, Olivier
Archaeology of Salt: Approaching an Invisible Past.
Cabo-González, Ana M.
The Study of the Evolution of Fruits Preservation Techniques in the Iberian Peninsula throughout the Agronomic Andalusian Works, their Roman Antecedents and Posterior Footprint in the Renaissance.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(p. 139).
Thoms, Ulrike
The Introduction of Frozen Foods in West Germany and Its Integration into the Daily Diet.
In: History of Artificial Cold: Scientific, Technological and Cultural Issues
(pp. 201-229).
Reif-Acherman, Simon
Domestic Ice-Making Machines 1830--1930.
In: History of Artificial Cold: Scientific, Technological and Cultural Issues
(pp. 135-170).
Friesen, T. Max; Stewart, Andrew
To Freeze or to Dry: Seasonal Variability in Caribou Processing and Storage in the Barrenlands of Northern Canada.
(pp. 89-109).
Oddy, Derek J; Drouard, Alain
The Food Industries of Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.
Weber, Heike
Towards “Total” Recycling: Women, Waste and Food Waste Recovery in Germany, 1914--1939.
Contemporary European History
(p. 371).
Rees, Jonathan
Refrigeration Nation: A History of Ice, Appliances, and Enterprise in America.
Jørgensen, Dolly
Running Amuck? Urban Swine Management in Late Medieval England.
Agricultural History
(p. 429).
Donnelly, Catherine
75 Years of IFT: Food Microbiology in JFS--1936 to Present.
Journal of Food Science.
Williams, Amrys O.
FOOD: Transforming the American Table, 1950--2000: National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C..
Technology and Culture
(pp. 947-956).
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