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related to French Guiana
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Clay, Elizabeth C.
Landscape and Labor on the Periphery: Built Environments of Slavery in Nineteenth-Century French Guiana.
In: Archaeology of domestic landscapes of the enslaved in the Caribbean
(pp. 166-187).
Martijn van den Bel; Gérard Collomb
‘Beyond the Falls’: Amerindian Stance towards New Encounters along the Wild Coast (ad 1595–1627).
In: Material encounters and indigenous transformations in the early colonial Americas : Archaeological case studies
(pp. 333-358).
Sonia N. Das
Failed Legacies of Colonial Linguistics: Lessons from Tamil Books in French India and French Guiana.
Comparative Studies in Society and History
(pp. 846-883).
Delbourgo, James
Fugitive Colours: Shamans' Knowledge, Chemical Empire and Atlantic Revolutions.
In: The Brokered World: Go-Betweens and Global Intelligence, 1770--1820
(p. 271).
Redfield, Peter
Space in the Tropics: From Convicts to Rockets in French Guiana.
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