817 citations
related to Technology and culture
817 citations
related to Technology and culture as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Edwards, Paul N.
Cyberpunks in cyberspace: The politics of subjectivity in the computer age.
In: The cultures of computing
(p. 69).
Star, Susan Leigh
The cultures of computing.
Neufeld, Michael J.
Der soziale und kulturelle Kontext der Raketen- und Raumfahrtbewegung in der Weimarer Republik.
In: Vernichtung durch fortschritt: Am beispiel der raketenproduktion im konzentrationslager Mittelbau; ([Progress through destruction: the example of the rocket production in a concentration camp Mittelbau)
(p. 19).
Divall, Colin
Theories and things using the history of technology in museums.
In: Collecting and interpreting domestic artefacts: Proceedings of a one-day seminar held on 8 July 1993 at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester and the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester
(p. 3).
Edwards, Paul N.
From “impact” to social process: Computers in society and culture.
In: Handbook of science and technology studies.
Berger, Michael L.
The car's impact on the American family.
In: The Car and the city: The automobile, the built environment, and daily urban life
(p. 57).
Wachs, Martin; Crawford, Margaret
The Car and the city: The automobile, the built environment, and daily urban life.
Schiffer, Michael B.
Cultural influences on technological development in the United States and Japan: An archaeologist's musings.
In: Japanese/American technological innovation: The influence of cultural differences on Japanese and American innovation in advanced materials: Proceedings of the Symposium on Japanese/American Technological Innovation held December 1990 at the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
(p. 235).
LaFollette, Marcel C.; Stine, Jeffrey K.
Technology and choice: Readings from technology and culture.
Jones, Steve
Cohesive but not coherent: Music videos, narrative and culture.
Popular Music and Society
(pp. 15-30).
Berger, Michael L.
The automobile.
In: Handbook of American popular culture
(p. 107).
Parr, Joy
The skilled emigrant and her kin: Gender, culture, and labour recruitment.
Canadian Historical Review
(pp. 529-551).
Pannabecker, John R.
(Fall 1986)
Industrial education and the Russian system: A study in economic, social and technical change.
Journal of Industrial Teacher Education
(pp. 19-31).
Berger, Michael L.
Women drivers!: The emergence of folklore and stereotypic opinions concerning feminine automotive behavior.
International Journal of Women's Studies
(pp. 257-263).
Baydo, Gerald
The Evolution of mass culture in America--1877 to the present.
Lauretis, Teresa De; Huyssen, Andreas; Woodward, Kathleen M.
The technological imagination: Theories and fictions.
Williams, James C.
The trolley: Technology and values in retrospect.
San Jose Studies
(pp. 74-90).
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