Concept ID: CBA000117489


Show 135 citations related to Modernism
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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Christopher Howell (2018)
The Rose and the Stag. An American Orthodox Converstation on Modernity, Science, and Biblical Interpretation. Almagest (pp. 40-59). (/isis/citation/CBB831159854/) unapi

Article Ritchie, David (October 2018)
More Beautiful Than Necessary. Vulcan (pp. 1-15). (/isis/citation/CBB396830113/) unapi

Article Chih-yuan Yang; Bronislaw Szerszynski; Brian Wynne (September 2018)
The Making of Power Shortage: The Sociotechnical Imaginary of Nationalist High Modernism and Its Pragmatic Rationality in Electricity Planning in Taiwan. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal (pp. 277-308). (/isis/citation/CBB183913124/) unapi

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Article Mohsen Beheshtiseresht; Fouzieh Javanmardi (2018)
An Investigation of Modern Schools in Kurdistan Province 1921 to 1941. Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science) (pp. 31-49). (/isis/citation/CBB790524694/) unapi

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Recent Works in Jesuit Philosophy. Journal of Jesuit Studies (pp. 105-126). (/isis/citation/CBB641549727/) unapi

Article Edwards, Clive (2014)
Multum in Parvo: “A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place”. Modernism, Space-saving Bedroom Furniture and the Compactom Wardrobe. Journal of Design History (p. 17). (/isis/citation/CBB001201109/) unapi


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