223 citations
related to Painters and painting
223 citations
related to Painters and painting as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Jarosław Działek
Geobiographies of prominent Polish painters: Changing hierarchies of art cities and patterns of artistic migrations from 1760 to 1939.
Journal of Historical Geography
(pp. 110-127).
Bruno D'Amore
Arte Matematica Futurismo. Un racconto tra scienza e pittura da Giacomo Balla a oggi.
Pier Roberto Dal Monte
Non solo medici: Brevi istantanee tra arte, storia e attualità.
Anna Winterbottom; Victoria Dickenson; Ben Cartwright; et al.
Women, Environment, and Networks of Empire: Elizabeth Gwillim and Mary Symonds in Madras.
Marjolijn Bol
The Varnish and the Glaze: Painting Splendor with Oil, 1100–1500.
J. A. Edgington
Three botanical watercolours by Richard Bradley (c.1688–1732) including of coffee and cinnamon.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 210-211).
Leslie K. Overstreet; Henrietta Mcburney; Roger Gaskell
A variant issue of Mark Catesby’s Natural history of Carolina (volume 1, issued 1729–1732) given to John Bartram.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 177-190).
Hans Laurens de Jonge
Depicting Race: A Newly Discovered Portrait of Aquasi Boachi and Kwame Poku from the Anthropological Collection of Jan van der Hoeven (1801–1868).
Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza
(pp. 165-192).
Agnès Rouveret
Certamen artis ac naturae. Couleurs et matières dans la définition plinienne de la peinture (Histoire naturelle, livre 35).
Technai, An International Journal for Ancient Science and Technology
(pp. 71-98).
Maria Michela Sassi
A few remarks on the relationship between materials, technology and colour experience in ancient Greece.
Technai, An International Journal for Ancient Science and Technology
(pp. 137-156).
Camilla Pietrabassa
Natura urbana a Parigi nelle serie a stampa da Jean Mariette a Charles-Antoine Jombert.
In: Natura e artificio nell'Europa del Seicento e Settecento. Artisti, conoscitori e scienziati tra osservazione, invenzione e diffusione del sapere.
Michela di Macco
Natura e artificio nell'Europa del Seicento e Settecento. Artisti, conoscitori e scienziati tra osservazione, invenzione e diffusione del sapere.
Giovanni Verri; Hariclia Brecoulaki
«From the face and the expression of the eyes»: Multidisciplinary studies of pigments in ancient Greek and Roman painted surfaces.
Technai, An International Journal for Ancient Science and Technology
(pp. 51-69).
Giulia Daniele
Nuove ipotesi per i paesaggi seicenteschi della Loggia di Galatea della Villa Farnesina alla Lungara.
In: Natura e artificio nell'Europa del Seicento e Settecento. Artisti, conoscitori e scienziati tra osservazione, invenzione e diffusione del sapere.
Elisa Spataro
La formazione e la figura del pittore di paesaggio tra Seicento e Settecento.
In: Natura e artificio nell'Europa del Seicento e Settecento. Artisti, conoscitori e scienziati tra osservazione, invenzione e diffusione del sapere.
J. Craig Thorpe
Railroads, art, and American life: an artist's memoir.
Errol Fuller; Craig Finch
Sarah Stone’s unseen worlds: A rare collection of 18th century ornithological watercolours.
Marco Masseti
Gazelles (Gazella spp.) depicted in frescoes and sculpture from Herculaneum and Pompeii.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 259-268).
John A. Edgington
Three botanical watercolours by Richard Bradley (c.1688–1732) including of coffee and cinnamon.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 341-346).
Penny Olsen
Feather and Brush: A History of Australian Bird Art.
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