70 citations
related to Values (philosophy)
70 citations
related to Values (philosophy) as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
H. Floris Cohen
Science as a calling and as a profession: The wider setting in Weber’s scholarly endeavor.
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
(p. 100914).
Bert Theunissen
Virtues and vocation: An historical perspective on scientific integrity in the twenty-first century.
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
(p. 100915).
Frans H. van Lunteren
Physics and the quest for transcendence: A Durkheimian approach.
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
(p. 100913).
Steven Shapin
Specialists with spirit: Re-enchanting the vocation of science.
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
(p. 100919).
Marcin Krasnodębski
The bumpy road to sustainability: Reassessing the history of the twelve principles of green chemistry.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 85-94).
Milutin Stojanovic
Pursuitworthiness in urgent research: Lessons on well-ordered science from sustainability science.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 49-61).
Grant Fisher
Practical pursuit in stem cell biology: Innovation, translation, and incomplete theorization.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 1-12).
Linda Martín Alcoff
Extractivist epistemologies.
Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society.
Anna Melnyk
(May 2022)
An Interpretation of Value Change: A Philosophical Disquisition of Climate Change and Energy Transition Debate.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 404-428).
Irene A. Niet; Romy Dekker; Rinie van Est
(May 2022)
Seeking Public Values of Digital Energy Platforms.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 380-403).
T. E. de Wildt; I. R. van de Poel; E. J. L. Chappin
(May 2022)
Tracing Long-term Value Change in (Energy) Technologies: Opportunities of Probabilistic Topic Models Using Large Data Sets.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 429-458).
Ibo van de Poel; Behnam Taebi
(May 2022)
Value Change in Energy Systems.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 371-379).
E. Cram
Violent Inheritance: Sexuality, Land, and Energy in Making the North American West.
Alexander Reutlinger
When do non-epistemic values play an epistemically illegitimate role in science? How to solve one half of the new demarcation problem.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 152-161).
Jamie Shaw
On the very idea of pursuitworthiness.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 103-112).
Christopher ChoGlueck
Still no pill for men? Double standards & demarcating values in biomedical research.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 66-76).
Bennett Holman; Torsten Wilholt
The new demarcation problem.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 211-220).
Ben Collier; James Stewart
Privacy Worlds: Exploring Values and Design in the Development of the Tor Anonymity Network.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 910-936).
Greg Lusk
Does democracy require value-neutral science? Analyzing the legitimacy of scientific information in the political sphere.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 102-110).
David G. Havlick; Christine Biermann
(November 2021)
Wild, Native, or Pure: Trout as Genetic Bodies.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 1201-1229).
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