67 citations
related to New England (U.S.)
67 citations
related to New England (U.S.) as a subject or category
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Rivett, Sarah
Evidence of Grace: The Science of the Soul in Colonial New England.
Keiner, Christine
Modeling Neptune's Garden: The Chesapeake Bay Hydraulic Model, 1965--1984.
In: The Machine In Neptune's Garden: Historical Perspectives on Technology and the Marine Environment
(p. 273).
Scott, David Hill
From Boston to the Baltic: New England, Encyclopedics, and the Hartlib Circle.
Thoreau, Henry David; Allen, Francis H.
Thoreau on Birds: Notes on New England Birds from the Journals of Henry David Thoreau.
Bosse, David
“To Promote Useful Knowledge”: An Accurate Map of the Four New England States by John Norman and John Coles.
Imago Mundi: A Review of Early Cartography
(p. 143).
Robert R. Gradie; David A. Poirier
Small-Scale Hydropower Development: Archeological and Historical Perspectives from Connecticut.
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
(pp. 47-66).
Mary E. Pyne
New England's Gasholder Houses.
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
(pp. 54-62).
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