Geographic Term ID: CBA000117334

New England (U.S.)

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Book Cookson, Gillian (2018)
The Age of Machinery: Engineering the Industrial Revolution, 1770-1850. (/isis/citation/CBB743166008/) unapi

Book Todd H. J. Pettigrew; Stephanie M. Pettigrew; Jacques A. Bailly (2018)
The Major Works of John Cotta: The Short Discovery. (/isis/citation/CBB643035153/) unapi

Article Colm Lavery (2016)
Situating eugenics: Robert DeCourcy Ward and the Immigration Restriction League of Boston. Journal of Historical Geography (pp. 54-62). (/isis/citation/CBB500331744/) unapi

Book Stephen Long (2016)
Thirty-Eight: The Hurricane That Transformed New England. (/isis/citation/CBB173740364/) unapi

Book Collora, Gene (2016)
Steel road nostalgia. New England : American railroads through the lens of Gene Collora. volume 2. (/isis/citation/CBB300534097/) unapi

Thesis Sarah Sutton (2016)
Milk: A New England History. (/isis/citation/CBB323814323/) unapi

Book Katherine Grandjean (2015)
American Passage: The Communications Frontier in Early New England. (/isis/citation/CBB042254888/) unapi

Article Thornton Waite (Spring/Summer 2014)
Upscale, Down East: The Bar Harbor Express. Railroad History (pp. 40-63). (/isis/citation/CBB242486045/) unapi

Book Marc Priewe (2014)
Textualizing Illness: Medicine and Culture in New England, 1620-1730. (/isis/citation/CBB220589373/) unapi

Article Paul R. Jones (2014)
Ouroboros, a New England Chemists' Club. Bulletin for the History of Chemistry (p. 145). (/isis/citation/CBB515411527/) unapi

Book Pastore, Christopher L. (2014)
Between Land and Sea: The Atlantic Coast and the Transformation of New England. (/isis/citation/CBB001553586/) unapi

Book Judd, Richard William (2014)
Second Nature: An Environmental History of New England. (/isis/citation/CBB001553571/) unapi

Chapter Schechner, Sara J. (2014)
How Telescopes Came to New England, 1620--1740. In: Scientific Instruments in the History of Science: Studies in Transfer, Use and Preservation (p. 69). (/isis/citation/CBB001420885/) unapi

Thesis Burns, Elizabeth Iris (2014)
Monster on the Margin: The Sea Serpent Phenomenon in New England, 1817--1849. (/isis/citation/CBB001567635/) unapi

Thesis Diana Smith Gallagher (2014)
"Cleanly in their persons and cleanly in their dwellings": An archaeological investigation of health, hygiene, and sanitation in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century New England. (/isis/citation/CBB180024014/) unapi

Article Geoffrey H. Doughty (Fall/Winter 2013)
What to do with the New Haven Railroad?. Railroad History (pp. 10-27). (/isis/citation/CBB292244376/) unapi

Book Avilés, Lourdes B. (2013)
Taken by Storm, 1938: A Social and Meteorological History of the Great New England Hurricane. (/isis/citation/CBB001422405/) unapi

Essay Review Cohen, Matt (2013)
“The Indians Told Them That Sickness Would Follow”: A Response to Miraculous Plagues. William and Mary Quarterly. (/isis/citation/CBB001567012/) unapi

Essay Review Donegan, Kathleen (2013)
The Bonds of Immunity. William and Mary Quarterly. (/isis/citation/CBB001567008/) unapi

Book David Greenwald Koistinen; Timothy J. Minchin; Richard A. Greenwald (2013)
Confronting Decline: The Political Economy of Deindustrialization in Twentieth-Century New England. (/isis/citation/CBB062765564/) unapi


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