Concept ID: CBA000117330


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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Patnode, Stephen R. (2012)
“Keep it Under Your Hat”: Safety Campaigns and Fashion in the World War II Factory. Journal of American Culture (p. 231). (/isis/citation/CBB001202117/) unapi

Article Maines, Rachel (2011)
Engineering Standards as Collaborative Projects: Asbestos in the Table of Clearances. Business and Economic History On-Line (p. 1). (/isis/citation/CBB001211691/) unapi

Book Cranor, Carl F. (2011)
Legally Poisoned: How the Law Puts us at Risk from Toxicants. (/isis/citation/CBB001020024/) unapi

Chapter Gooday, Graeme (2011)
Electricity and the Sociable Circulation of Fear and Fearlessness. In: Geographies of Nineteenth-Century Science (p. 203). (/isis/citation/CBB001231561/) unapi

Article Mercedes Arroyo (2011)
Accidentes domésticos y mejora de la seguridad de las infraestructuras gasistas a mediados del siglo XX; DOMESTIC ACCIDENTS AND IMPROVEMENTS IN GAS INFRASTRUCTURE SAFETY IN THE MID-20th CENTURY. Quaderns d'Història de l'Enginyeria (pp. 11-29). (/isis/citation/CBB337163499/) unapi

Article Staiti, Alana (2011)
Delicate Matters. Chemical Heritage. (/isis/citation/CBB001450552/) unapi

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Article Abraham, John; Davis, Courtney (2010)
Discovery and Management of Adverse Drug Reactions: The Nomifensine Hypersensitivity Syndrome, 1977--1986. Social History of Medicine (p. 153). (/isis/citation/CBB000932837/) unapi

Article Hess, David J. (2010)
Environmental Reform Organizations and Undone Science in the United States: Exploring the Environmental, Health, and Safety Implications of Nanotechnology. Science as Culture (p. 181). (/isis/citation/CBB001034653/) unapi

Book Mills, Catherine (2010)
Regulating Health and Safety in the British Mining Industries, 1800--1914. (/isis/citation/CBB001031594/) unapi

Article Luegenbiehl, Heinz C. (2009)
Societal Values and Nuclear Power: A Case of Conflicting Priorities. Humanities and Technology Review (p. 43). (/isis/citation/CBB001031098/) unapi

Article Wolverton, Mark (Fall 2008)
The Father of Blind Flying. American Heritage of Invention and Technology (pp. 8-11). (/isis/citation/CBB503435279/) unapi

Article Silvestre, Javier (2008)
Workplace Accidents and Early Safety Policies in Spain, 1900--1932. Social History of Medicine (p. 67). (/isis/citation/CBB000774301/) unapi

Thesis Vogel, Sarah A. (2008)
The Politics of Plastics: The Economic, Political and Scientific History of Bisphenol A. (/isis/citation/CBB001560633/) unapi

Article Schwarz, Frederic (Spring 2007)
Better Safe than Sexy. American Heritage of Invention and Technology. (/isis/citation/CBB560596612/) unapi

Article Moguen-Toursel, Marine (2007)
Emergence and Transfer of Vehicle Safety Standards: Why We Still Do Not Have Global Standards. Business and Economic History On-Line (p. 1). (/isis/citation/CBB001211718/) unapi

Article Wohleber, Curt (Fall 2006)
Child Car Seats. American Heritage of Invention and Technology (pp. 6-7). (/isis/citation/CBB608747138/) unapi

Article Giblin, Kelly (Summer 2006)
The Jersey Barrier. American Heritage of Invention and Technology (pp. 26-33). (/isis/citation/CBB270196448/) unapi

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Article Hyysalo, Sampsa (2006)
Representations of Use and Practice-Bound Imaginaries in Automating the Safety of the Elderly. Social Studies of Science (p. 599). (/isis/citation/CBB000670847/) unapi


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