Geographic Term ID: CBA000117319

Puerto Rico

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Article Fatima K. Espinoza Vasquez (2023)
Working at the Seams of Colonial Structures: Alternative Sociotechnical Infrastructures Revealed by Hurricane Maria. Science, Technology, and Human Values (pp. 374-400). (/isis/citation/CBB231267644/) unapi

Article Courtney Addison; Hallam Stevens (May 2022)
Crowdfunding Conservation Science: Tracing the Participatory Dynamics of Native Parrot Genome Sequencing. Science, Technology, and Human Values (pp. 568-596). (/isis/citation/CBB774118711/) unapi

Article Christian Kleinschmidt (2022)
Sprungbrett für den US-Markt: Das Beispiel Sartorius und die Sonderwirtschaftszone Puerto Rico [Springboard for the U.S. Market: The Example of Sartorius and the Puerto Rico Special Economic Zone]. Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte (pp. 1-20). (/isis/citation/CBB246974371/) unapi

Book Hilda Llorens (2021)
Making Livable Worlds: Afro-Puerto Rican Women Building Environmental Justice. (/isis/citation/CBB259882739/) unapi

Article Matthew P. Johnson (2021)
'Thirsty Sugar Lands': Environmental Impacts of Dams and Empire in Puerto Rico Since 1898. Environment and History (pp. 337-365). (/isis/citation/CBB256791646/) unapi

Article Chon A. Noriega (2020)
Not inconceivable: Knowledge-production, the arts, and the pre-history of a Puerto Rican artist, 1934–1882. Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society (pp. 63-91). (/isis/citation/CBB960505331/) unapi

Article Efrain O'Neill-Carrillo; Emmanuel Mercado; Oscar Luhring; et al. (September 2019)
Community Energy Projects in the Caribbean: Advancing Socio-Economic Development and Energy Transitions. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine (pp. 44-55). (/isis/citation/CBB741220720/) unapi

Article Megan Raby (2019)
“Slash-and-Burn Ecology”: Field Science as Land Use. History of Science (pp. 441-468). (/isis/citation/CBB954050147/) unapi

Article Sandra M. Fabregas Troche (2019)
Gratitude and Respect from Puerto Rico. Pharmacy in History (pp. 43-44). (/isis/citation/CBB475671079/) unapi

Book Isabel M. Córdova (2017)
Pushing in Silence: Modernizing Puerto Rico and the Medicalization of Childbirth. (/isis/citation/CBB871642225/) unapi

Thesis Elisa M. Gonzalez (2016)
Food for Every Mouth: Nutrition, Agriculture, and Public Health in Puerto Rico, 1920s-1960s. (/isis/citation/CBB764086545/) unapi

Thesis Celso, Jr. Baldivieso (2016)
Irradiating Eden: The El Verde Experiment and the Atomic Energy Commission's nuclear prospecting in Latin America, 1954-1970. (/isis/citation/CBB898540521/) unapi

Book April Merleaux (2015)
Sugar and Civilization: American Empire and the Cultural Politics of Sweetness. (/isis/citation/CBB547901266/) unapi

Article Teresita Levy (2015)
La ciencia del tabaco en Puerto Rico, 1900-1940. Asclepio: Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Medicina. (/isis/citation/CBB415207633/) unapi

Article Baldrich, Juan José (2015)
The “Tobacco Trust” in Puerto Rico: From Cigarette Manufacturing to Agribusiness, 1899–1911. Agricultural History (pp. 34-56). (/isis/citation/CBB001202172/) unapi

Article González, Elisa M. (2015)
Nurturing the Citizens of the Future: Milk Stations and Child Nutrition in Puerto Rico, 1929--60. Medical History (pp. 177-198). (/isis/citation/CBB001552762/) unapi

Thesis Perez Varela, Tomas (2015)
Puerto Rico en la agenda tecnológica de Estados Unidos 1890–1912: telecomunicación global y colonialismo. (/isis/citation/CBB062135010/) unapi

Article Wiley, James W.; Frahnert, Sylke; Román, Rafaela Aguilera; et al. (2014)
Juan Cristóbal Gundlach's Contributions to the Knowledge of Puerto Rican Birds and His Influence on the Development of Natural History in Puerto Rico. Archives of Natural History (pp. 251-269). (/isis/citation/CBB001202219/) unapi

Thesis Brock, Darryl Erwin (2014)
American Empire and the Scientific Survey of Puerto Rico. (/isis/citation/CBB001567604/) unapi

Article Trujillo-Pagan, Nicole Elise (2013)
Worms as a Hook for Colonising Puerto Rico. Social History of Medicine (p. 611). (/isis/citation/CBB001320558/) unapi


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