87 citations
related to West Germany
87 citations
related to West Germany as a subject or category
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Strickmann, Martin
Scientists as Intellectuals: The Sociopolitical Role of French and West German Nuclear Physicists in the 1950s.
In: Physics and Politics: Research and Research Support in Twentieth Century Germany in International Perspective
(p. 131).
Albrecht, Helmuth
The German Research Foundation and the Early Days of Laser Research at West German Universities during the 1960s.
In: Physics and Politics: Research and Research Support in Twentieth Century Germany in International Perspective
(p. 161).
Beyler, Richard
Physics and the Ideology of Non-Ideology: Re-Constructing the Cultural Role of Science in West Germany.
In: Physics and Politics: Research and Research Support in Twentieth Century Germany in International Perspective
(p. 85).
Hofer, Hans-Georg
Medizin und Gesellschaft in Westdeutschland, 1945--1970: Koordinaten, Kontexte, Korrelationen.
Medizinhistorisches Journal
(p. 1).
Eschenbruch, Nicholas
“Eine völlig neue Weltsituation”? Homöopathische Publizistik und moderne Zivilisation in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren.
Medizinhistorisches Journal
(p. 134).
Rammer, Gerhard
Allied Control of Physics and the Collégial Self-Denazification of the Physicists.
In: Physics and Politics: Research and Research Support in Twentieth Century Germany in International Perspective
(p. 61).
Prüll, Cay-Rüdiger
Ärzte, Journalisten und Patienten als Akteure von Teilöffentlichkeiten in Westdeutschland. Eine Analyse am Beispiel des Nachrichtenmagazins “Der Spiegel” (1947--1955).
Medizinhistorisches Journal
(p. 102).
Weber, Heike
Head Cocoons: A Sensori-Social History of Earphone Use in West Germany, 1950--2010.
The Senses and Society
(p. 339).
Sachse, Carola
What Research, to What End? The Rockefeller Foundation and the Max Planck Gesellschaft in the Early Cold War.
Central European History
(p. 97).
Article Trabant and Beetle: The Two Germanies, 1949--89 (2009). History Workshop Journal (p. 1). (/isis/citation/CBB001032338/)
Schieder, Wolfgang
Adolf Butenandt between Science and Politics: From the Weimar Republic to the Federal Republic of Germany.
In: The Kaiser Wilhelm Society under National Socialism
(p. 74).
Johnson, Ann
Hitting the Brakes: Engineering Design and the Production of Knowledge.
Mohr, Barbara A. R.; Kustatscher, Evelyn; Hiller, Cornelia; et al.
Hugo Rühle von Lilienstern and His Palaeobotanical Collection: An East--West German Story.
Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society
(p. 278).
Beyler, Richard H.
Hostile Environmental Intellectuals? Critiques and Counter-Critiques of Science and Technology in West Germany after 1945.
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
(p. 393).
Badenoch, Alexander
Voices in ruins: West German radio across the 1945 divide.
Unger, Corinna R.
Ostforschung in Westdeutschland. Die Erforschung des europäischen Ostens und die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1945--1975.
Perry, Joe
Healthy for Family Life: Television, Masculinity, and Domestic Modernity during West Germany's Miracle Years.
German History
(p. 560).
Westermann, Andrea
Plastik und politische Kultur in Westdeutschland.
Ziemann, Benjamin
The Gospel of Psychology: Therapeutic Concepts and the Scientification of Pastoral Care in the West German Catholic Church, 1950--1980.
Central European History
(p. 79).
Lindner, Ulrike; Blume, Stuart S.
Vaccine Innovation and Adoption: Polio Vaccines in the UK, the Netherlands and West Germany, 1955--1965.
Medical History
(p. 425).
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