87 citations
related to West Germany
87 citations
related to West Germany as a subject or category
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Michael Kaasch; Joachim Kaasch; Torsten K. D. Himmel
Biologie in der DDR: Beiträge zur 24. Jahrestagung der DGGTB in Greifswald 2015..
Karlsch, Rainer
Das Milliardengeschäft der Hoechst AG mit der DDR-Chemieindustrie von 1976. (The billion dollar deal between Hoechst and the chemical industry in the GDR in 1976.).
Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte
(pp. 235-274).
Steiner, André
Ostgeschäfte: Westliche Unternehmen in der DDR. (Eastern Bloc business: Western firms in the GDR.).
Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte
(pp. 221-234).
Stephen Milder
Greening Democracy: The Anti-Nuclear Movement and Political Environmentalism in West Germany and Beyond, 1968-1983.
Larry Frohman
Redefining Medical Confidentiality in the Digital Era: Healthcare Reform and the West German Debate over the Use of Personal Medical Information in the 1980s.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(pp. 468-499).
Nils Kessel; Christian Bonah
Revolutionary Markets?: Approaching Therapeutic Innovation and Change through the Lens of West German IMS Health Data, 1959– 1980.
In: Therapeutic Revolutions: Pharmaceuticals and Social Change in the Twentieth Century.
Andrew S. Tompkins
Better Active than Radioactive!: Anti-Nuclear Protest in 1970s France and West Germany.
Claas Kirchhelle
Toxic Confusion: The Dilemma of Antibiotic Regulation in West German Food Production (1951–1990).
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
(pp. 114-127).
Rosemary Elliot
Inhaling Democracy: Cigarette Advertising and Health Education in Post-war West Germany, 1950s–1975.
Social History of Medicine
(pp. 509-531).
Neumaier, Christopher
Eco-Friendly Versus Cancer-Causing: Perceptions of Diesel Cars in West Germany and the United States, 1970--1990.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 429-460).
Elsbeth Bösl
The Contergan Scandal: Media, Medicine, and Thalidomide in 1960s West Germany.
In: Disability Histories.
Westermann, Andrea
When Consumer Citizens Spoke Up: West Germany's Early Dealings with Plastic Waste.
Contemporary European History
(p. 477).
Lohmeier, Jens; Gross, Dominik
Der Diskurs über die rechtliche Regelung der Organtransplantation in West- und Ostdeutschland (1960--1989): Eine vergleichende Studie.
Sudhoffs Archiv: Zeitschrift fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte
(pp. 39-56).
Mütter, B.
Per Media Ad Astra? Outer Space in West Germany's Media, 1957--87.
In: Imagining Outer Space: European Astroculture in the Twentieth Century
(p. 149).
Aumann, Philipp
The Distinctiveness of a Unifying Science: Cybernetics' Way to West Germany.
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
(pp. 17-27).
Eghigian, Greg
Deinstitutionalizing the History of Contemporary Psychiatry.
History of Psychiatry
(p. 201).
Timmermann, Carsten
Modell Amerika? Amerikanische Vorbilder in Klinik und Forschung, untersucht am Beispiel des Kerckhoff-Institutes in Bad Nauheim.
Medizinhistorisches Journal
(p. 24).
Schleiermacher, Sabine
Die Rockefeller Foundation und ihr Engagement bei einer Neuorientierung von Medizin und Public Health in Deutschland in den 1950er Jahren.
Medizinhistorisches Journal
(p. 43).
Goudreau, Kim
Lend Me Your Ears: The Truth in the Fiction of The Glass Bees by Ernst Jünger.
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
(p. 240).
Carson, Cathryn
Beyond Reconstruction: CERN's Second-Generation Accelerator Program as an Indicator of Shifts in West German Science.
In: Physics and Politics: Research and Research Support in Twentieth Century Germany in International Perspective
(p. 107).
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