Geographic Term ID: CBA000117260

West Germany

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Biologie in der DDR: Beiträge zur 24. Jahrestagung der DGGTB in Greifswald 2015.. (/isis/citation/CBB682224284/) unapi

Article Karlsch, Rainer (2018)
Das Milliardengeschäft der Hoechst AG mit der DDR-Chemieindustrie von 1976. (The billion dollar deal between Hoechst and the chemical industry in the GDR in 1976.). Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte (pp. 235-274). (/isis/citation/CBB517210270/) unapi

Article Steiner, André (2018)
Ostgeschäfte: Westliche Unternehmen in der DDR. (Eastern Bloc business: Western firms in the GDR.). Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte (pp. 221-234). (/isis/citation/CBB112698903/) unapi

Book Stephen Milder (2017)
Greening Democracy: The Anti-Nuclear Movement and Political Environmentalism in West Germany and Beyond, 1968-1983. (/isis/citation/CBB696749082/) unapi

Article Larry Frohman (2017)
Redefining Medical Confidentiality in the Digital Era: Healthcare Reform and the West German Debate over the Use of Personal Medical Information in the 1980s. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences (pp. 468-499). (/isis/citation/CBB405119254/) unapi

Chapter Nils Kessel; Christian Bonah (2016)
Revolutionary Markets?: Approaching Therapeutic Innovation and Change through the Lens of West German IMS Health Data, 1959– 1980. In: Therapeutic Revolutions: Pharmaceuticals and Social Change in the Twentieth Century. (/isis/citation/CBB564796547/) unapi

Book Andrew S. Tompkins (2016)
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Article Claas Kirchhelle (2016)
Toxic Confusion: The Dilemma of Antibiotic Regulation in West German Food Production (1951–1990). Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science (pp. 114-127). (/isis/citation/CBB834931564/) unapi

Article Rosemary Elliot (2015)
Inhaling Democracy: Cigarette Advertising and Health Education in Post-war West Germany, 1950s–1975. Social History of Medicine (pp. 509-531). (/isis/citation/CBB815647505/) unapi

Article Neumaier, Christopher (2014)
Eco-Friendly Versus Cancer-Causing: Perceptions of Diesel Cars in West Germany and the United States, 1970--1990. Technology and Culture (pp. 429-460). (/isis/citation/CBB001421264/) unapi

Chapter Elsbeth Bösl (2014)
The Contergan Scandal: Media, Medicine, and Thalidomide in 1960s West Germany. In: Disability Histories. (/isis/citation/CBB578697680/) unapi

Article Westermann, Andrea (2013)
When Consumer Citizens Spoke Up: West Germany's Early Dealings with Plastic Waste. Contemporary European History (p. 477). (/isis/citation/CBB001201570/) unapi

Article Lohmeier, Jens; Gross, Dominik (2013)
Der Diskurs über die rechtliche Regelung der Organtransplantation in West- und Ostdeutschland (1960--1989): Eine vergleichende Studie. Sudhoffs Archiv: Zeitschrift fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte (pp. 39-56). (/isis/citation/CBB001212616/) unapi

Chapter Mütter, B. (2012)
Per Media Ad Astra? Outer Space in West Germany's Media, 1957--87. In: Imagining Outer Space: European Astroculture in the Twentieth Century (p. 149). (/isis/citation/CBB001253106/) unapi

Article Aumann, Philipp (2011)
The Distinctiveness of a Unifying Science: Cybernetics' Way to West Germany. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing (pp. 17-27). (/isis/citation/CBB001231705/) unapi

Article Eghigian, Greg (2011)
Deinstitutionalizing the History of Contemporary Psychiatry. History of Psychiatry (p. 201). (/isis/citation/CBB001232218/) unapi

Article Timmermann, Carsten (2010)
Modell Amerika? Amerikanische Vorbilder in Klinik und Forschung, untersucht am Beispiel des Kerckhoff-Institutes in Bad Nauheim. Medizinhistorisches Journal (p. 24). (/isis/citation/CBB001220581/) unapi

Article Schleiermacher, Sabine (2010)
Die Rockefeller Foundation und ihr Engagement bei einer Neuorientierung von Medizin und Public Health in Deutschland in den 1950er Jahren. Medizinhistorisches Journal (p. 43). (/isis/citation/CBB001220582/) unapi

Article Goudreau, Kim (2010)
Lend Me Your Ears: The Truth in the Fiction of The Glass Bees by Ernst Jünger. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society (p. 240). (/isis/citation/CBB001034413/) unapi

Chapter Carson, Cathryn (2010)
Beyond Reconstruction: CERN's Second-Generation Accelerator Program as an Indicator of Shifts in West German Science. In: Physics and Politics: Research and Research Support in Twentieth Century Germany in International Perspective (p. 107). (/isis/citation/CBB001032743/) unapi


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