Geographic Term ID: CBA000117260

West Germany

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Chapter Krebs, Stefan (2021)
Maintaining the Mobility of Motor Cars: The Case of (West) Germany, 1918–1980. In: The Persistence of Technology: Histories of Repair, Reuse and Disposal (pp. 139-162). (/isis/citation/CBB247656642/) unapi

Chapter Weber, Heike (2021)
Mending or Ending? Consumer Durables, Obsolescence and Practices of Reuse, Repair and Disposal in West Germany (1960s–1980s). (pp. 233-262). (/isis/citation/CBB954477465/) unapi

Article Jonathan Voges (2021)
Medien zum Selbermachen: Der Baumarkt als Ort des medialisierten Einkaufs seit den 1970er Jahren. (Do-it-yourself media: The hardware store as a site of mediatized shopping since the 1970s.). Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte (pp. 51-67). (/isis/citation/CBB327677504/) unapi

Chapter Jochen Molitor (2021)
The Imagined Disastrous: West German Civil Defence Between War Preparation and Emergency Management 1950–1990. In: Cold War Civil Defence in Western Europe: Sociotechnical Imaginaries of Survival and Preparedness. (/isis/citation/CBB192008995/) unapi

Article Sonja G. Ostrow (2021)
Intersecting aims, divergent paths: The Allensbach Institute, the Institute for Social Research, and the making of public opinion research in 1950s West Germany. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences (pp. 130-148). (/isis/citation/CBB809518784/) unapi

Article C. J. Kirsch (2020)
A Three-Person Teaching Machine Designed for Crisis: The Geromat III in Berlin and Ulm. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing (pp. 39-52). (/isis/citation/CBB870556492/) unapi

Book Thomas Kasper (2020)
Wie der Sozialstaat digital wurde: Die Computerisierung der Rentenversicherung im geteilten Deutschland [How the welfare state went digital: The computerization of pension insurance in divided Germany]. (/isis/citation/CBB706858788/) unapi

Book Dennis Romberg (2020)
Atomgeschäfte: die Nuklearexportpolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1970-1979; (Nuclear deals: The nuclear export policy of the Federal Republic of Germany 1970–1979). (/isis/citation/CBB095375733/) unapi

Article Walter Bruchhausen (2019)
Between Foreign Politics and Humanitarian Neutrality: Medical Emergency Aid by the Two German States before 1970. Social History of Medicine (pp. 819-842). (/isis/citation/CBB920168526/) unapi

Article Heike Weber (2019)
Everyman’s Radio-telephone: How CB Radio Users Mobilized West Germany’s Communication Culture. History and Technology (pp. 156-176). (/isis/citation/CBB943214515/) unapi

Article Knake, Sebastian (2019)
«Moderne Vertriebswege»: Die Verbreitung erfolgsorientierter Vergütungsformen im Privatkundengeschäft bei Banken und Versicherungen in Westdeutschland in den 1970er und 80er Jahren. ("Modern distribution channels": the dissemination of success-oriented forms of remuneration in the private customer business of banks and insurance companies in West Germany in the 1970s and 1980s.). Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte (pp. 49-82). (/isis/citation/CBB776536086/) unapi

Article Corinna Schlombs (2019)
Unerkannte Personen der Computertechnik: Dateneingabe im Bankwesen (Unidentified persons in computer technology: Data entry in the banking sector). Ferrum (pp. 86-93). (/isis/citation/CBB127099434/) unapi

Article Martina Kölbl-Ebert (2019)
Closing the iron curtain: how geologists in Berlin experienced the cold war era. Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society (pp. 94-123). (/isis/citation/CBB420988793/) unapi

Book Astrid M. Eckert (2019)
West Germany and the Iron Curtain: Environment, economy, and culture in the borderlands. (/isis/citation/CBB759953918/) unapi

Book Achim Eberspächer (2019)
Das Projekt Futurologie über Zukunft und Fortschritt in der Bundesrepublik 1952-1982; (The futurology project: About future and progress in West Germany, 1952–1982). (/isis/citation/CBB559543747/) unapi

Article Söhner, Felicitas; Halling, Thorsten; Becker, Thomas; et al. (2019)
On the way to reform: a network-analytical view on the players in the run-up to the "Psychiatrie-Enquete" of 1971. Sudhoffs Archiv: Zeitschrift fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte (pp. 172-210). (/isis/citation/CBB489055373/) unapi

Article Raphael Hennecke (2019)
Ein Erziehungskartell zur «Heilung der Geister»? Ludwig Erhards Bundeswirtschaftsministerium und die gescheiterte Wettbewerbsordnung der Konsumseifenindustrie von 1954/55 (An educational cartel for "healing spirits"? Ludwig Erhard's Federal Ministry of Economics and the failed competitive order of the consumer soap industry of 1954/55). Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte (pp. 187-216). (/isis/citation/CBB629212737/) unapi

Thesis Ari Shuldman Edmundson (2019)
A Selective Affinity: Niklas Luhmann's Systems Theory and the Sense of Contingency, 1958-1973. (/isis/citation/CBB801199815/) unapi

Article Matthias Schulz (2018)
Der Quellenwert von Karten für linguistische Analysen. Das Beispiel der Kolonialtoponomastik. Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie (pp. 276-288). (/isis/citation/CBB650699815/) unapi

Article Yong-suk Jung (2018)
Beyond the Bifurcated Myth: The Medical Migration of Female Korean Nurses to West Germany in the 1970s. Korean Journal of Medical History (pp. 225-266). (/isis/citation/CBB473337131/) unapi


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