152 citations
related to Surveys
152 citations
related to Surveys as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Svit Komel
Petty's instruments: the Down Survey, territorial natural history and the birth of statistics.
British Journal for the History of Science
(pp. 43-64).
Harry Parker
The regional survey movement and popular autoethnography in early 20th-century Britain.
History of the Human Sciences
(pp. 3-26).
Miguel de Asúa
Redhead, Paroissien, Parish & Co.: British Field Science in early Independent RÍo de la Plata.
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
(pp. 519-536).
Thomas A. Jefferson
Marine mammals of the United States Exploring Expedition, 1838–1842: History and taxonomy.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 101-117).
Marco Caboara
Regnum Chinae: The Printed Western Maps of China to 1735.
Patrick C. Meirick
Television News, Political Comedy, Party, and Political Knowledge in Global Warming Belief: Evidence From a Large-Scale Panel Survey.
Science Communication
(pp. 494-513).
Carlos López-Beltrán; Abigail Nieves Delgado; Sandra P. González-Santos; et al.
The Heredity Matrix: Genetics and the Understanding of Mestizaje, Health, and Belonging in Mexico.
Science as Culture
(pp. 357-381).
Anke te Heesen
Revolutionäre im Interview: Thomas Kuhn, Quantenphysik und Oral History.
Hideki Yui
A History of Japanese Follow-up Surveys of Children Conceived through Artificial Insemination by Donor: The Evidence of “Superior” Children and Positive Eugenics.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(pp. 50-69).
Rebecca Jean Emigh; Johanna Hernandez-Perez
The Present of the Past: A Sociotechnological Framework for Understanding the Availability of Research Materials.
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
(pp. 16-27).
Kris Hartley
(November 2021)
Public Trust and Political Legitimacy in the Smart City: A Reckoning for Technocracy.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 1286-1315).
Arnaud Passalacqua
(June 2021)
The carbon footprint of a scientific community: A survey of the historians of mobility and their normalized yet abundant reliance on air travel.
The Journal of Transport History
(pp. 121-141).
Anna Echterhölter
Formative encounters: Colonial data collection on land and law in German Micronesia.
Science in Context
(pp. 527-552).
Kathryn M. Olesko
The Indaganda Survey of the Prussian Frontier: The Built World, Logistical Power, and Bureaucratic Knowledge in the Polish Partitions, 1772–1806.
Journal for the History of Knowledge
(p. 16).
Katharine J. Head; Monica L. Kasting; Lynne A. Sturm; et al.
A National Survey Assessing SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination Intentions: Implications for Future Public Health Communication Efforts.
Science Communication
(pp. 698-723).
Yan Huang; Chun Yang
A Metacognitive Approach to Reconsidering Risk Perceptions and Uncertainty: Understand Information Seeking During COVID-19.
Science Communication
(pp. 616-642).
Jeeyun Oh; Sabitha Sudarshan; Eunjoo Jin; et al.
How 360-Degree Video Influences Content Perceptions and Environmental Behavior: The Moderating Effect of Environmental Self-Efficacy.
Science Communication
(pp. 423-453).
Michael A. Cacciatore; Amy B. Becker; Ashley A. Anderson; et al.
Laughing With Science: The Influence of Audience Approval on Engagement.
Science Communication
(pp. 195-217).
Moti Mizrahi
The Case Study Method in Philosophy of Science: An Empirical Study.
Perspectives on Science
(pp. 63-88).
Robert T. McMaster
Edward Hitchkock's geological survey of Massachusetts, 1830-1833.
Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society
(pp. 99-119).
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