22 citations
related to Zurich (Switzerland)
22 citations
related to Zurich (Switzerland) as a subject or category
Country Code CH
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Alfred de Quervain; Martin Lüthi; Andreas Vieli; et al.
Across Greenland's Ice Cap: The Remarkable Swiss Scientific Expedition of 1912.
Mirjam Janett; Andrea Althaus; Marion Hulverscheidt; et al.
Doctors, families and the industry in the clinic: The management of ‘intersex’ children in Swiss paediatric medicine (1945–1970).
Medical History
(pp. 286-305).
Sarah Baumgartner
Questionnaires, Parish Registers and Prize Competitions: The Zurich Physical Society’s Sources and Methods for Surveying the Territory.
In: Connecting Territories: Exploring People and Nature, 1700–1850
(pp. 149-169).
Lena Künzle; Daniel Lis; Sara Galle; et al.
Legitimierung behördlicher Praxis? : Analyse einer stationären kinderpsychiatrischen Begutachtung in Zürich 1944.
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften
(pp. 124-143).
Sara Galle; Emmanuel Neuhaus; Lena Künzle; et al.
Die psychiatrische Begutachtung von Kindern mit «abnormen Reaktionen» in der Zürcher Kinderbeobachtungs station Brüschhalde 1957 bis 1972.
(pp. 206-243).
Michael L. Geiges; Sabina Carraro
The Museum of Wax Moulages in Zurich.
In: Ceroplastics: The Art of Wax
(pp. 233-242).
Sabina Carraro; Michael L. Geiges
Wax Moulage Restoration at the Museum of Wax Moulages Zurich.
In: Ceroplastics: The Art of Wax
(pp. 387-396).
Ramberg, Peter J.
Chemical Research and Instruction in Zürich, 1833--1872.
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
(pp. 170-186).
Wyder, Samuel
La carte du lac de Constance de Hans Conrad Gyger (1633).
Cartographica Helvetica
(p. 39).
Dubach, Roswitha
Verhütungspolitik. Sterilisation im Spannungsfeld von Psychiatrie, Gesellschaft und individuellen Interessen in Zürich (1890--1970).
Emingera, Stefanie
Viribus unitis! shall be our watchword: The First International Congress of Mathematicians, Held 9--11 August 1897 in Zurich.
British Society for the History of Mathematics Bulletin
(pp. 155-168).
Meier, Marietta
Creating Order: A Quantitative Analysis of Psychiatric Practice at the Swiss Mental Institutions of Burghölzli and Rheinau between 1870 and 1970.
History of Psychiatry
(p. 139).
Fischel, Angela
Natur im Bild. Zeichnung und Naturerkenntnis bei Conrad Gessner und Ulisse Aldrovandi.
Keller, Hildegard Elisabeth; Steinke, Hubert
Jakob Ruf's Trostbüchlein and De Conceptu (Zurich 1554): A Textbook for Midwives and Physicians.
In: Scholarly Knowledge: Textbooks in Early Modern Europe
(p. 307).
Leu, Urs B.
Textbooks and Their Uses---An Insight into the Teaching of Geography in 16th Century Zurich.
In: Scholarly Knowledge: Textbooks in Early Modern Europe
(p. 229).
Langlitz, Nicolas David
Neuropsychedelia. The Revival of Hallucinogen Research since the Decade of the Brain.
Girnus, Wolfgang
Zwei Berufungen und die “Doktor-Frage” an der ETH Zürich.
In: Aus Wissenschaftsgeschichte und -theorie: Hubert Laitko zum 70. Geburtstag überreicht von Freunden, Kollegen und Schülern
(p. 221).
Nieto-Galán, Agustí
Free Radicals in the European Periphery: “Translating” Organic Chemistry from Zurich to Barcelona in the Early Twentieth Century.
British Journal for the History of Science
(p. 167).
Myllyntaus, Timo
Discovering Switzerland: Internationalisation among Nordic Students of Technology prior to World War II.
In: Travels of Learning: A Geography of Science in Europe
(p. 299).
Chaoui, Natalie Janine; Schmutz, Hans-Konrad
Tradition und Innovation in der Zürcher Anthropologie zwischen 1915 und 1925.
(p. 87).
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