Concept ID: CBA000117203

Technology and law

Show 142 citations related to Technology and law
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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Matsuura, Jeffrey H. (2017)
Engineering Codes of Ethics: Legal Protection for Engineers. The Bridge: Journal of the National Academy of Engineering (pp. 27-29). (/isis/citation/CBB205357794/) unapi

Book Lisa Parks; Caren Kaplan (2017)
Life in the Age of Drone Warfare. (/isis/citation/CBB442083437/) unapi

Article Gerardo Con Díaz (October 2016)
The Text in the Machine: American Copyright Law and the Many Natures of Software, 1974–1978. Technology and Culture (pp. 753-779). (/isis/citation/CBB819215676/) unapi

Article Debjani Bhattacharya (2016)
Manufactured Landscapes: Law and Hydraulics in the Bengal Delta. Technology's Stories. (/isis/citation/CBB449174182/) unapi

Article Liana Müller (2015)
The legal dwelling: how Norwegian research engineers domesticate construction law. Engineering Studies (pp. 80-98). (/isis/citation/CBB180186297/) unapi

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The Eureka Myth: Creators, innovators, and everyday intellectual property. (/isis/citation/CBB476761641/) unapi

Article Thomas Jepsen (2014)
Reversing the whispering galley of Dionysius: A short history of electronic surveillance in the U.S.. Technology's Stories. (/isis/citation/CBB443893857/) unapi

Article Garces, Liliana M.; Espinosa, Lorelle L. (Spring 2013)
Promoting Access to Undergraduate STEM Education: The Legal and Policy Environment. The Bridge: Journal of the National Academy of Engineering (pp. 35-42). (/isis/citation/CBB410126685/) unapi

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Equal before the Law: On the Machinery of Sameness in Forensic DNA Practice. Science, Technology, and Human Values (p. 542). (/isis/citation/CBB001320664/) unapi

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Article Afanas'eva, Tatyana I.; Ivanov, Sergey A. (2013)
Unexpected Evidence concerning Gold Mining in Early Byzantium. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies (p. 138). (/isis/citation/CBB001202042/) unapi

Article Krebs, Stefan (2012)
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Law machines: Scale models, forensic materiality and the making of modern patent law. Social Studies of Science (pp. 621-643). (/isis/citation/CBB306887041/) unapi

Article Kaijser, Arne (2011)
The Trail from Trail: New Challenges for Historians of Technology. Technology and Culture (p. 131). (/isis/citation/CBB001230689/) unapi

Article Griset, Pascal; Schafer, Valérie (2011)
Hosting the World Wide Web Consortium for Europe: From CERN to INRIA. History and Technology (p. 353). (/isis/citation/CBB001210212/) unapi


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