142 citations
related to Technology and law
142 citations
related to Technology and law as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Meg Leta Jones
The Character of Consent: The History of Cookies and the Future of Technology Policy.
Peter H. Christensen
Prior Art: Patents and the Nature of Invention in Architecture.
Nina Amelung; Vasilis Galis
Border control technologies: Introduction.
Science as Culture
(pp. 323-343).
Silvan Pollozek; Jan-Hendrik Passoth
Provisional by design: Frontex data infrastructures and the Europeanization of migration and border control.
Science as Culture
(pp. 411-434).
Bruno Oliveira Martins
Security knowledges: Circulation, control, and responsible research and innovation in EU border management.
Science as Culture
(pp. 435-459).
Fredy Mora-Gámez
The official record of victims as a bordering technology: Knowledge and (in)visibilities in post-conflict Colombia.
Science as Culture
(pp. 344-362).
Ian G. Stewart; Moira E. Harding
One Pipeline and Two Impact Assessments: Coproduction, Legal Pluralism, and the Trans Mountain Expansion Project.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 525-551).
Melanie G. Wiber; Allain Barnett
(Re)Assembling Marine Space: Lobster Fishing Areas under Conditions of Technological and Legal Change in Atlantic Canada.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 500-524).
Bertram Turner
Legal Pluralism in Infrastructural Designs: Alternative Supply Chains in the Moroccan Argan Oil Export.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 475-499).
Chad B. Denton
Are Carcasses Political? German Veterinarians and the Modernization of Rendering Technology, 1864–1940.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 90-123).
Luna Rösinger
Autonome Maschinen als „Normadressaten“?: Eine Erinnerung an die Bedeutung von Autonomie als Selbstgesetzgebung für das Rechtsverständnis (Autonomous machines as "norm addressees"? A reminder of the importance of autonomy as self-legislation for the understanding of law).
Acta Historica Leopoldina
(pp. 167-176).
Joseph Coppola
The Commodification of Dr. King, or What Intellectual Property Rights Did to Civil Rights.
American Quarterly
(pp. 103-128).
Armando Gervasoni
Il Vajont e le responsabilità dei manager.
Jose Bellido
Patents In Miniature: The Effects of Microfilm as an Information Technology, 1938–68.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 407-433).
Tanel Kerikmäe; Aleksi Oskar Johannes Kajander; Ondrej Hamuľák; et al.
Developing Autonomous Robotic Transport Systems for Hospitals and Medical Facilities: Legal Challenges,.
Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
(pp. 88-104).
Con Diaz, Gerardo
Scientology Online: Copyright Infringement and the Legal Construction of the Internet.
In: Abstractions and Embodiments: New Histories of Computing and Society.
Ana Muñiz
Borderland Circuitry: Immigration Surveillance in the United States and Beyond.
Jennifer Petersen
How Machines Came to Speak: Media Technologies and Freedom of Speech.
Seth C. Oranburg
A History of Financial Technology and Regulation: From American Incorporation to Cryptocurrency and Crowdfunding.
Brian Hochman
The Listeners: A History of Wiretapping in the United States.
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