Concept ID: CBA000117164

Nuclear fission

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Bohr. (/isis/citation/CBB229249684/) unapi

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Walther Bothe's Graphite: Physics, Impurities, and Blame in the German Nuclear Program. Annalen der Physik (p. 2000121). (/isis/citation/CBB340773011/) unapi

Article B. Cameron Reed (2018)
From Fission to Censorship: 18 Months on the Road to the Bomb. Annalen der Physik (p. 1700455). (/isis/citation/CBB100947755/) unapi

Chapter Susanne Rehn-Taube (2016)
The Nuclear Fission Table in the Deutsches Museum: A Special Piece of Science History on the Eve of World War II. In: Transformation of Chemistry from the 1920s to the 1960s (pp. 20-17). (/isis/citation/CBB995409416/) unapi

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Strange Glow: The Story of Radiation. (/isis/citation/CBB578376088/) unapi

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The Names of Physics: Plasma, Fission, Photon. European Physical Journal H (pp. 263-281). (/isis/citation/CBB001421699/) unapi

Article Santos, Gildo Magalhães (2014)
A Tale of Oblivion: Ida Noddack and the “Universal Abundance” of Matter. Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science (pp. 373-389). (/isis/citation/CBB001421507/) unapi

Article Kragh, Helge (2014)
The Names of Physics: Plasma, Fission, Photon. European Physical Journal H (p. 263). (/isis/citation/CBB001451851/) unapi

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Fantastic Futures and Three American Energy Transitions. Science as Culture (p. 204). (/isis/citation/CBB001320573/) unapi

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Article Fergusson, Jack E. (2011)
The History of the Discovery of Nuclear Fission. Foundations of Chemistry (p. 145). (/isis/citation/CBB001024701/) unapi

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Chapter Simone Turchetti (2009)
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Thesis Yruma, Jeris Stueland (2008)
How Experiments Are Remembered: The Discovery of Nuclear Fission, 1938--1968. (/isis/citation/CBB001561164/) unapi

Article Walker, Mark (2006)
Otto Hahn: Responsibility and Repression. Physics in Perspective (p. 116). (/isis/citation/CBB000740767/) unapi


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