24 citations
related to Citation analysis
24 citations
related to Citation analysis as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Antti J. V. Tuominen
Pygmies, Bushmen, and savage numbers – a case study in a sequence of bad citations.
Historia Mathematica
(pp. 51-72).
Stephen P. Weldon
View from the Bibliographer's Desk : Exploring Two-Decades of Citations in the Discipline of History of Science.
Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza
(pp. 29-48).
Tobias Winnerling
Moving Around in Narrowing Circles: How Four Scholars Got Forgotten in Eighteenth-Century Learned Journals.
Journal for the History of Knowledge
(pp. 8-8).
Byoung-gyu Gong
Exploring Education Cyborg Space: Bibliographic and Metaphor Analysis of Educational Psychology and Artificial Intelligence Studies.
Pedro de Lima Navarro; Cristina de Amorim Machado
An Origin of Citations: Darwin’s Collaborators and Their Contributions to the Origin of Species.
Journal of the History of Biology
(pp. 45-79).
Mathias Witt
"Aus Antyllos und Heliodoros“: Zum Problem der doppelten Autorenlemma-Angaben in den medizinischen Sammelwerken des Oreibasios und Aëtios von Amida (“From Antyllus and Heliodorus”: The problem of double quotations in the medical compendia by Oribasius and Aetius).
Sudhoffs Archiv: Zeitschrift fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte
(pp. 141-174).
Matthias Aistleitner; Jakob Kapeller; Stefan Steinerberger
Citation Patterns in Economics and Beyond.
Science in Context
(pp. 361-380).
Matteo Cosci
Le fonti di Galileo Galilei per le Lezioni e studi sulla stella nuova del 1604.
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 6-70).
Claire Gantet
Leibniz, les périodiques et l’espace savant.
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 230-262).
Grant Ramsey; Charles H. Pence
evoText: A new tool for analyzing the biological sciences.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(pp. 83-87).
Riviera, Emanuela
Scientific Communities as Autopoietic Systems: The Reproductive Function of Citations.
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
(p. 1442).
Bottom, William P.; Kong, Dejun Tony
“The Casual Cruelty of Our Prejudices”: On Walter Lippmann's Theory of Stereotype and Its “Obliteration” in Psychology and Social Science.
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
(pp. 363-394).
Yan, Yiwei; Luo, Guihuan
The International Impact of the Chinese Journal of Physiology as Seen from Citation Counts Found in the Science Citation Index.
Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu (Studies in the History of Natural Sciences)
(pp. 216-229).
Banham, Debby
Dun, Oxa and Pliny the Great Physician: Attribution and Authority in Old English Medical Texts.
Social History of Medicine
(p. 57).
Gingras, Yves
Revisiting the “Quiet Debut” of the Double Helix: A Bibliometric and Methodological note on the “Impact” of Scientific Publications.
Journal of the History of Biology
(p. 159).
Osareh, Farideh; McCain, Katherine W.
The Structure of Iranian Chemistry Research, 1990--2006: An Author Cocitation Analysis.
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
(p. 2146).
Christen, Markus
Varieties of Publication Patterns in Neuroscience at the Cognitive Turn.
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
(p. 207).
Armatte, Michel
Les images de la Statistique à travers ses traités.
Journal Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique.
Redner, Sidney
Citation Statistics from 110 Years of Physical Review.
Physics Today
(pp. 49-55).
Tomasello, Tami K.
A Content Analysis of Citations to J. C. R. Licklider's Man-Computer Symbiosis, 1960--2001: Diffusing the Intergalactic Network.
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