56 citations
related to Booksellers and bookselling
56 citations
related to Booksellers and bookselling as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
John A. Sibbald
Book Bitch to the Rich—the Strife and Times of the Revd. Dr. Thomas Frognall Dibdin (1776–1847).
In: Buying and selling : The business of books in early modern Europe
(pp. 489-521).
Böninger, Lorenz
Venetian Incunabula for Florentine Bookshops (ca. 1473–1483).
In: Buying and selling : The business of books in early modern Europe
(pp. 55-71).
Arthur der Weduwen
Booksellers, Newspaper Advertisements and a National Market for Print in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Republic.
In: Buying and selling : The business of books in early modern Europe
(pp. 420-447).
Idalia Garcia
‘Without Being Denounced or Humiliated’: the Purchase of Books for Religious Communities in New Spain.
In: Buying and selling : The business of books in early modern Europe
(pp. 448-466).
Natale Vacalebre
‘Beautiful Intellects Should Not Hide’: the Bookshop of Luciano Pasini, Bookseller and Publisher between Perugia and Venice in the Late Sixteenth Century.
In: Buying and selling : The business of books in early modern Europe
(pp. 322-352).
Philip Beeley
Practical Mathematicians and Mathematical Practice in Later Seventeenth-Century London.
British Journal for the History of Science
(pp. 225-248).
Shanti Graheli
Buying and selling : The business of books in early modern Europe.
Christian Coppens; Angela Nuovo
Printed Catalogues of Booksellers as a Source for the History of the Book Trade. Italian Journal of Library, Archives, and Information Science
(pp. 166-178).
Jordan M. Reed
The History of the Textbook: The State of the Discipline.
Book History
(pp. 397-424).
David Ruderman
On the Production and Dissemination of a Hebrew Best Seller: Pinḥas Hurwitz and His Mystical-scientific Encyclopedia, Sefer Ha-Brit.
In: For the Sake of Learning: Essays in Honor of Anthony Grafton
Marchand, Suzanne L.
(pp. 469-480).
Kristen Doyle Highland
In the Bookstore: The Houses of Appleton and Book Cultures in Antebellum New York City.
Book History
(pp. 214-255).
Lodovica Braida; Silvia Tatti
Il libro. Editoria e pratiche di lettura nel Settecento.
Marco van Egmond
Mapping Early Utrecht Printers and Publishers: Experiences with Building a Geographical Interface.
e-Perimetron: International Web Journal on Sciences and Technologies Affined to History of Cartography and Maps
(pp. 170-182).
Coldiron, A. E. B.; Coldiron, Anne E. B.
Form[e]s of Transnationhood: The Case of John Wolfe's Trilingual Courtier.
Renaissance Studies
(pp. 103-124).
Marashi, Afshin
Print Culture and Its Publics: A Social History of Bookstores in Tehran, 1900--1950.
International Journal of Middle East Studies
(pp. 89-108).
Sebouh D. Aslanian
Port Cities and Printers: Reflections on Early Modern Global Armenian Print Culture.
Book History
(pp. 51-93).
Noblett, William
Cheese, Stolen Paper, and the London Book Trade, 1750--99.
Eighteenth-Century Life
(pp. 100-110).
Cravo, Télio
Scientific Instruments, Booksellers and Engineers in Imperial Brazil: Building Bridges and Roads in Minas Gerais, 1835--1889.
In: Scientific Instruments in the History of Science: Studies in Transfer, Use and Preservation
(p. 319).
Price, Leah
How to Do Things with Books in Victorian Britain.
Burrows, Simon
In Search of Enlightenment: From Mapping Books to Cultural History.
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
(pp. 3-28).
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