Concept ID: CBA000117077


Show 551 citations related to Nature
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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Book William S. Davis (2018)
Romanticism, Hellenism, and the Philosophy of Nature. (/isis/citation/CBB864627350/) unapi

Book Svetozar Y. Minkov; Bernhardt L. Trout (2018)
Mastery of Nature: Promises and Prospects. (/isis/citation/CBB548935384/) unapi

Book Andreas Lammer (2018)
The Elements of Avicenna's Physics. (/isis/citation/CBB464469064/) unapi

Article Camilla Flodin (2018)
Adorno and Schelling on the Art–Nature Relation. British Journal for the History of Philosophy (pp. 176-196). (/isis/citation/CBB804298788/) unapi

Article Eudoxie Delli (2018)
Évolution de la notion de “nature” dans l’œuvre de Michel Blay. Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences (pp. 312-318). (/isis/citation/CBB319747092/) unapi

Article Dmitri Panchenko (2018)
Empedocles’ Emulation of Anaxagoras and Pythagoras (D.L. 8. 56). Apeiron (pp. 453-457). (/isis/citation/CBB494473753/) unapi

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Book Debbie Lee; Kathryn Newfont (2017)
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Article Christopher M. Parsons (October 2017)
Wildness without Wilderness: Biogeography and Empire in Seventeenth-Century French North America. Environmental History (pp. 643-667). (/isis/citation/CBB997651479/) unapi

Article Douglas Hedley (2017)
Gods and Giants: Cudworth’s Platonic Metaphysics and His Ancient Theology. British Journal for the History of Philosophy (pp. 932-953). (/isis/citation/CBB571151709/) unapi

Article Michael Fisch (September 2017)
The Nature of Biomimicry: Toward a Novel Technological Culture. Science, Technology, and Human Values (pp. 795-821). (/isis/citation/CBB174345086/) unapi

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Book Edward Jones-Imhotep (2017)
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Article Tarquin Holmes (2017)
The wild type as concept and in experimental practice: A history of its role in classical genetics and evolutionary theory. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (pp. 15-27). (/isis/citation/CBB016897194/) unapi

Book Richard Higgins; Robert D. Richardson (2017)
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