Concept ID: CBA000117077


Show 551 citations related to Nature
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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Indigeneity, Science, and Difference: Notes on the Politics of How. Science, Technology, and Human Values (pp. 424-447). (/isis/citation/CBB559875033/) unapi

Article Dana Matthiessen (2019)
The rise of cryptographic metaphors in Boyle and their use for the mechanical philosophy. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (pp. 8-21). (/isis/citation/CBB765223874/) unapi

Book Michael Bravo (2019)
North Pole: Nature and Culture. (/isis/citation/CBB094804985/) unapi

Article Andrea Sangiacomo (2019)
Modelling the History of Early Modern Natural Philosophy: The Fate of the Art-Nature Distinction in the Dutch Universities. British Journal for the History of Philosophy (pp. 46-74). (/isis/citation/CBB246385847/) unapi

Article Asrih, Lena (2019)
Bergbau als techno-naturales System - Ein Beitrag zur modernen Bergbaugeschichte (Mining as a techno-natural system - A contribution to modern mining history). Der Anschnitt: Zeitschrift für Kunst und Kultur im Bergbau (pp. 2-18). (/isis/citation/CBB119867997/) unapi

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Article Frank Zelko (2018)
Optimizing Nature: Invoking the “Natural” in the Struggle Over Water Fluoridation. History of Science (pp. 518-539). (/isis/citation/CBB219828824/) unapi

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Article Javier Aracil (September 2018)
Making It Useful Even When It Seems to Be Useless. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine (pp. 22-26). (/isis/citation/CBB115297431/) unapi

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