Geographic Term ID: CBA000117072

Oklahoma (U.S.)

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Wanderer on the American Frontier: The Travels of John Maley, 1808–1813. (/isis/citation/CBB240189967/) unapi

Book James E. Sherow; James P. Ronda (2018)
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Book Brooks Blevins (2018)
A History of the Ozarks, Volume 1: The Old Ozarks. (/isis/citation/CBB868770920/) unapi

Book Augustus J., Jr. Veenendaal (2017)
Smoke over Oklahoma: The Railroad Photographs of Preston George. (/isis/citation/CBB521638822/) unapi

Book Matthew M. Stith (2016)
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Article Margaret M. Grubiak (2016)
An Architecture for the Electronic Church: Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Technology and Culture (pp. 380-413). (/isis/citation/CBB676117827/) unapi

Article Simons, Peter (2015)
Aviation's Heartland: The Flying Farmers and Postwar Flight. Agricultural History (pp. 225-246). (/isis/citation/CBB001422240/) unapi

Article Stambaugh, Michael C.; Guyette, Richard P.; Marschall, Joseph (2013)
Fire History in the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. Human Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Journal (pp. 749-758). (/isis/citation/CBB001421934/) unapi

Article MPA, (2013)
Contact Sheet of Nike Missiles for a Moon Calendar. Women's Studies (p. 31). (/isis/citation/CBB001201138/) unapi

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Cherokee Adaptation to the Landscape of the West and Overcoming the Loss of Culturally Significant Plants. American Indian Quarterly (pp. 394-417). (/isis/citation/CBB735808670/) unapi

Book Robert E. Pounds; John B. McCall (2011)
The Orient. (/isis/citation/CBB761987453/) unapi

Article Cornelia Lambert (2010)
’Y’all Bon Appetit, You Hear?’: Lessons from the Oklahoma Food Cooperative. Journal of Co-operative Studies (pp. 46-49). (/isis/citation/CBB288141662/) unapi

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The Sapulpa and Tulsa Trolley Connection. (/isis/citation/CBB045522024/) unapi

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Borderline Science: Expert Testimony and the Red River Boundary Dispute. Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (p. 183). (/isis/citation/CBB000470997/) unapi

Article Rollins, Peter C. (2004)
Tulsa (1949) as an Oil Field Film: A Study in Ecological Ambivalence. Chronicles of Oklahoma (p. 352). (/isis/citation/CBB000660355/) unapi

Article Mundende, D. Chongo (2004)
Saving the Land: Soil and Water Conservation in Oklahoma. Chronicles of Oklahoma (p. 4). (/isis/citation/CBB000660356/) unapi

Article Malley, Marjorie (2002-2003)
Bygone Spas: The Rise and Decay of Oklahoma's Radium Water. Chronicles of Oklahoma (p. 446). (/isis/citation/CBB000340304/) unapi

Book Steeler, C. William; Shannon, Gary W.; Bashshur, Rashid L. (2001)
Improving American Indian Health Care: The Western Cherokee Experience. (/isis/citation/CBB000101755/) unapi

Book Everett, Mark Allen (2000)
Medical Education in Oklahoma; V. III: The University of Oklahoma College of Medicine and Health Sciences Center 1964-1996. Vol. 3 of a 3-vol. set. (/isis/citation/CBB000101778/) unapi


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