125 citations
related to Software
125 citations
related to Software as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Ludovico Rella
Close to the metal: Towards a material political economy of the epistemology of computation.
Social Studies of Science
(pp. 3-29).
Hannah Pullen-Blasnik; Gil Eyal; Amy Weissenbach
‘Is your accuser me, or is it the software?’ Ambiguity and contested expertise in probabilistic DNA profiling.
Social Studies of Science
(pp. 30-58).
Article Anushah Hossain Text Standards for the “Rest of World”: The Making of the Unicode Standard and the OpenType Format IEEE Annals of the History of Computing. (/isis/citation/CBB658671561/)
Verónica Uribe del Águila
Making Innovation in the Mexican Silicon Valley: The Early Years of El Centro de Tecnología de Semiconductores (1981–2001).
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
(pp. 24-37).
V. Vasilyev E.i; Yagudina E.i
G.A. Krasinsky: From Classical Celestial Mechanics to High-Precision Relativistic Numerical Theories of the Orbital Motion of Bodies in the Solar System.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 387-396).
Henry Lowood; Raiford Guins
Replayed: Essential Writings on Software Preservation and Game Histories.
Marco Deseriis
Reducing the Burden of Decision in Digital Democracy Applications: A Comparative Analysis of Six Decision-making Software.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 401-427).
Paul McJones; David Redell
History of the CAL Timesharing System.
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
(pp. 80-91).
Yue Zhao; Rebecca Slayton
Tool, Doctor, and Hooligan: History of Antivirus Software in China, 1989–2010.
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
(pp. 43-54).
Andre Brock
Beyond the Pale: The Blackbird Web Browser's Critical Reception.
In: Abstractions and Embodiments: New Histories of Computing and Society.
Zachary Loeb
Waiting for Midnight: Risk Perception and the Millennium Bug.
In: Abstractions and Embodiments: New Histories of Computing and Society.
Bullynck, Maarten
What's in a name? Origins, Transpositions and Transformations of the Triptych Algorithm-Code-Program.
In: Abstractions and Embodiments: New Histories of Computing and Society.
Hicks, Marie
The Baby and the Black Box: A History of Software, Sexism, and the Sound Barrier.
In: Abstractions and Embodiments: New Histories of Computing and Society.
Burton Grad
History of Computing Industry Infrastructure.
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
(pp. 131-132).
Paul Harmon
The Expert Systems Business: How It Grew and Died.
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
(pp. 31-43).
Konstantinos Chatzis
(December 2021)
Managing traffic complexity. Canadian transport planning software package Emme, 1970s–2010s.
The Journal of Transport History
(pp. 444-466).
Guy C. Fedorkow
(January-March 2021)
Recovering Software for the Whirlwind Computer.
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
(pp. 38-59).
Raúl Rojas
(January-March 2021)
The Computer Programs of Charles Babbage.
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
(pp. 6-18).
Jason Nyerere Bundy
Replaying Life's Virtual Tape: Examining the Role of History in Experiments with Digital Organisms.
Robert Meckin
Changing Infrastructural Practices: Routine and Reproducibility in Automated Interdisciplinary Bioscience.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 1220-1241).
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