161 citations
related to Technology and ethics
161 citations
related to Technology and ethics as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Olya Kudina; Peter-Paul Verbeek
Ethics from Within: Google Glass, the Collingridge Dilemma, and the Mediated Value of Privacy.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 291-314).
Tom Kane; Nick Novelli
(March 2019)
Technology for Governance, Politics, and Democracy [Special Issue Introduction].
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 29-31).
Thomas B. Kane
(March 2019)
Artificial Intelligence in Politics: Establishing Ethics.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 72-80).
Jeremy Pitt
(March 2019)
Facts, policies, and values? The democratic triad: Technology for restoring civil discourse and civic dignity [Editorial].
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 5-8).
Ilse Verdiesen; Filippo Santoni de Sio; Virginia Dignum
Moral Values Related to Autonomous Weapon Systems: An Empirical Survey that Reveals Common Ground for the Ethical Debate.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 34-44).
Takehiro Ohya
Image of Jurisprudence Reconstructed to Enhance Innovation: Liability Allocation for Improved Predictability.
In: Innovation beyond technology : Science for society and interdisciplinary approaches
(pp. 285-299).
Christian Kehrt
Einleitung. Zur Wahrnehmungsgeschichte von Militärtechnik (Introduction. On the history of perception of military technology).
Technikgeschichte: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technik und Industrie
(pp. 269-280).
Rider Foley; Beverley Gibbs
Connecting Engineering Processes and Responsible Innovation: A Response to Macro-Ethical Challenges.
Engineering Studies
(pp. 9-33).
Alastair Shipman
Ethical Implications of Designing Infrastructure Around Human Behavior: How Does the Future Accommodate Everyone?.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 63-69).
John E. Jackson
One Nation Under Drones: Legality, Morality, and Utility of Unmanned Combat Systems.
Peter Andras; Lukas Esterle; Michael Guckert; et al.
(December 2018)
Trusting Intelligent Machines: Deepening Trust Within Socio-Technical Systems.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 76-83).
Ben Kenwright
(December 2018)
Virtual Reality: Ethical Challenges and Dangers.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 20-25).
Philip Chmielewski
(September 2018)
Ethical Autonomous Weapons?: Practical, Required Functions.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 48-55).
Ronald C. Arkin
(September 2018)
Ethics of Robotic Deception.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 18-19).
Kathryn Strong Hansen
Literature for Specific Purposes: A Literary Approach to Teaching Ethics in Science and Technology.
Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology
(pp. 337-343).
Krishna Sood
(June 2018)
The Ultimate Black Box: The Thorny Issue of Programming Moral Standards in Machines.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 27-29).
Neelke Doorn; Behnam Taebi
(May 2018)
Rawls’s Wide Reflective Equilibrium as a Method for Engaged Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Potentials and Limitations for the Context of Technological Risks.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 487-517).
Nassim JafariNaimi
(March 2018)
Our Bodies in the Trolley’s Path, or Why Self-driving Cars Must *Not* Be Programmed to Kill.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 302-323).
Alessandra Sciutti; Martina Mara; Vincenzo Tagliasco; et al.
(March 2018)
Humanizing Human-Robot Interaction: On the Importance of Mutual Understanding.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 22-29).
Daniel J. Hicks
(March 2018)
The Safety of Autonomous Vehicles: Lessons from Philosophy of Science.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
(pp. 62-69).
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