Concept ID: CBA000116885

France, colonies

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Chapter Nassaney, Michael S.; José António Brandão (2019)
The Historical and Cultural Context of Fort St. Joseph. In: Fort St. Joseph revealed: the historical archaeology of a fur trading post (pp. 15-39). (/isis/citation/CBB918724519/) unapi

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Lead Seals from Colonial Fort St. Joseph. In: Fort St. Joseph revealed: the historical archaeology of a fur trading post (pp. 101-133). (/isis/citation/CBB769073399/) unapi

Chapter Kenneth G. Kelly (2019)
Building a Better Village? Transformations in French West Indian Slave Village Architecture from the Ancien Régime to Emancipation. In: Archaeology of domestic landscapes of the enslaved in the Caribbean (pp. 66-86). (/isis/citation/CBB123181616/) unapi

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Overpopulation, Racial Degeneracy and Birth Control in French Colonial Vietnam. Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History. (/isis/citation/CBB816275491/) unapi

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