250 citations
related to Law and legislation
250 citations
related to Law and legislation as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Cristina Ciancio
Carichi di meraviglia. I processi ai vampiri tra superstizione, leggenda e diritto.
In: Il meraviglioso in età moderna. Dimensioni culturali, scientifiche e religiose
(pp. 49-76).
James Adams; Tim Schütz; Kim Fortun
Late Industrialism, Advocacy, and Law: Relays Toward Just Transition.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(pp. 462-493).
Péter Szabó
The Horka Litter Raking Incident: On Foresters and Peasants in Nineteenth-Century Moravia.
Environment and History
(pp. 323-343).
Helen M. Rozwadowski
Wild Blue: The Post-World War Two Ocean Frontier and its Legacy for Law of the Sea.
Environment and History
(pp. 345-376).
Theodora Dryer
Settler Computing: Water Algorithms and the Equitable Apportionment Doctrine on the Colorado River, 1950–1990.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 265-285).
Niels van Dijk
Constitutional Ecology of Practices: Bringing Law, Robots and Epigrams into Latourian Cosmopolitics.
Perspectives on Science
(pp. 159-185).
Pashmina Murthy
Making the Private Public: Witnessing Female Infanticide in Nineteenth-Century Kathiawar.
Gender and History
(pp. 124-140).
Lorraine Daston
Rules: A Short History of What We Live By.
Juan Guillermo Martín; Juan Felipe Pérez Díaz; William Gómez Pretel
Underwater Archaeology in Colombia: Between Commercial Salvage and Science.
International Journal of Historical Archaeology
(pp. 457-473).
Robert G. W. Kirk; Dmitriy Myelnikov
Governance, expertise, and the ‘culture of care’: The changing constitutions of laboratory animal research in Britain, 1876–2000.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 107-122).
Yolandi M. Coetser
An African ethical perspective on South Africa's regulatory frameworks governing animals in research.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 119-128).
Maayan Sudai
(February 2022)
‘A woman and now a man’: The legitimation of sex-assignment surgery in the United States (1849–1886).
Social Studies of Science
(pp. 79-105).
Kean Birch; D. T. Cochrane
Big Tech: Four Emerging Forms of Digital Rentiership.
Science as Culture
(pp. 44-58).
Daniele Bortoluzzi
Bologna e gli Ordinamenta Bladi.
In: Il fuoco e l’acqua. Prevenzione e gestione dei disastri ambientali fra Medioevo e Età Moderna
(pp. 81-91).
Anat Rosenberg
The rise of mass advertising : Law, enchantment, and the cultural boundaries of British modernity.
Blythe Alice Raviola
Piene, ghiare e isoloni del Po nella prima età moderna. Un esempio fra Cremonese e Parmense nel Cinquecento.
In: Il fuoco e l’acqua. Prevenzione e gestione dei disastri ambientali fra Medioevo e Età Moderna
(pp. 201-215).
Daniel Scott Smith
Social Scientization and the Schooling State in UK Parliamentary Discourse, 1803–1909.
Social Science History
(pp. 223-254).
Fabrizio Costantini
Confini fluviali, esondazioni, controllo istituzionale: Bergamo, Cremona e Pavia in età moderna.
In: Il fuoco e l’acqua. Prevenzione e gestione dei disastri ambientali fra Medioevo e Età Moderna
(pp. 219-237).
Alberto Luongo
Comune, Popolo e crisi alimentari a Perugia (1257-1260).
In: Il fuoco e l’acqua. Prevenzione e gestione dei disastri ambientali fra Medioevo e Età Moderna
(pp. 63-77).
Giorgio Giulio Santonocito
Storia del diritto alla salute.
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